Message from @Jacob
Discord ID: 525138738674925580
@Reinhard Wolff Someone who is looking at IE membership has messaged me with concern about the lawsuit. He's worried about how much of a threat the lawsuit is to regular members. How would you respond to these concerns?
@Reinhard Wolff how do you feel about putting up a flag on campus as a kind of symbolic "we are here"? Feel like it would get a ton of attention, would need people versed in flag code.
All white all right! ... Decades in the future! I have a dream
@Lily Lee - NJ Whatever you can do to plant the seed, it's worth the effort IMO
@SuperTomPerry -RI You can buy it from AmRen. I think Amazon even has it.
@Reinhard Wolff Do you think Trump will turn things around, or is it too late for him?
Thank you @wolfwood
@Jacob can u dm me the title? Thatd be great mucho appreciato
I would love some demigration
Makes sense goose.
don't want to get RICO'd
Is this the end of Rico?...
@Reinhard Wolff Do you think that the Confederate flag is a bit antithetical to American nationalism?
we can't be too open, but damn do i want to
No the American flag is antithetical to the American spirit
@Virgil regionalism is an important aspect of Nationalism
can't care about the nation if you don't care about your region
OpSec is important
@Goose "we are and should be open" - american revolution
same argument for caring about your community
uhhhhhhhhh @DeusVolk gotta stop using your real name
I'm gonna do it
Isn't D76 your real last name?
you caught me, dang
Flag pole nationalism
i can raise a flag at a public park or a major intersection...
have a few spots
Getting sucked into the Swamp.
@NateDahl76isnt your neighbor R2D2
oh gosh guess it's all out there now
@Reinhard Wolff Would I be violating our no masks policy if I wore a Santa hat and beard for a Merry Christmas from IE banner drop?
My full name is "Jacob - WA", pronounced "Jacob Dash Double You Aye". First name "Jacob", middle name "-", last name "WA".
@Reinhard Wolff Do you think that through community building, it is realistic to have a kind of effective de-facto separation. By separation, I mean a complete or near complete insulation from the consequences of multculturalism?
no dude we're not building a compound
@Reinhard Wolff Gentrification
Think AN tried that lol
over time