Message from @Sacramento
Discord ID: 530657705682010113
>Class ending at 11pm
Does anyone know a good book on Reindeer Herding?
Today we've learned Nemets is emigrating the Arctic Circle
This is the future of the Democrat party.
I'd say this is Congress at its worst, but we haven't seen anyone get beaten in the Chambers yet, so I'd say we're _almost_ there
I keep hearing things in The Strange Death of Europe that shock me about demographic projections for a possible Muslim majority in Europe,... possibly not so far-fetched
"More openly conservative demographic statisticians have released empirical projections indicating that accounting for immigration and the birthrate disparity Europe will become majority Muslim as soon as two generations from now."
It's not so crazy when you consider two things:
1. Europe's Baby Boomers are a greater portion of their respective countries' populations than America's Baby Boomers were
2. America's Baby Boomers had kids... Europe's Boomers didn't
except for Italy and the Eastern Europeans, Europe needs to step up its fertility game
@Salo Saloson Italy is among the worst.
right but Italy has a better fertility rate relative to other European countries
so they can replace their Boomers (and actually have a demographic situation that isn't dog-shit)
We counting _European_ French, or the "French"
@Salo Saloson Both
Wtf is Push to Talk
I've never had to have that before
Because of the weekly fireside
They always forget to undo it
@Distracted Thank you.
My bad @Zilna Jestov
Just looking out. @Distracted
@Zilna Jestov Mhm
That is beautiful.
@Sacramento Neil Armstrong was an alien on the moon.
He's originally from Earth. ;)
@Salo Saloson Most Slavic countries have incredibly low birthrates too
@Sam Anderson On your comments about “let them purity spiral and fall apart”, have we made any attempts to create a barrage of false-leftists accounts on social media to pose and advocate for silly things like this? The left is consuming itself as it is, maybe we can push it along a little quicker.
But it should also be said that low birthrates are not the end of the world, with proper immigration controls, which we are increasingly seeing in Europe and throughout most of the West. And a rise in wages and living standards, birth rates will likely correct themselves.
We still need to get rid of this disgusting trash coming out of (((Hollywood))) that demonizes the family and creates heroes out of single mothers.
@Virgil yes but we are not likely to see proper immigration controls in alot of these places anytime in the future, and frankly not ever, at least before the non whites take over fully. I know I'm not having a kid until the situation is safe
@Jonaltright Then you may never have one. This world will never be safe. Never has been.
@sigruna14 I also would have one if I had the $ to live in a white place and cope with the level of anti-whitness of the particular time/region I live in. One paradox of getting red pilled is that while I want kids more, it also made it clear that those kids I want will be increasingly endangered as time goes on. Money does make for safety
I have five kids (4 months, 3,4,5 and 9) Children aren’t as expensive as everyone makes them out to be as long as you have a partner that is responsible with their money. Having children is one of the most rewarding experiences and getting rid of this notion that they are too expensive is one of the ways of driving up the birth rates of whites. We’re too fiscally responsible for our own good.
@Jonaltright The entirety of Central and Eastern Europe, apart from Russia are enforcing strong border controls, most Mediterranean counties like Italy are too and Spain, Greece and Portugal are likely to follow suit in the very near future.
The only countries where immigration is probably going to remain a serious issue are in the Anglo-sphere and Northwest Europe. But even in Northwest Europe, populist parties opposed to mass immigration are the largest opposition parties.
Believe it or not the future is a lot less bleak than a lot of right wing dissidents are painting it. We are winning, but being blackpilled is a self fulfilling prophecy and our opposition wants us to feel that way. Folks when you get blackpilled you give the establishment and the media exactly what they want.
@DaddyPaddy - FL Well said. The biggest joy in life is leading and shaping the next generation. That starts in the home. My three little ones have been raised by a stay at home mother. The expenses are minimal.