Message from @Virgil
Discord ID: 532272313027002383
I think the quality of our education has declined significantly, almost to the point that a associates is equal to what a HS diploma used to be. A bachelors is an associates, a masters actually a bachelors. Trying for egalitarian outcomes in the face of increasing diversity has hurt us as a whole.
Yes whites should focus on self betterment as well as community building. Hebrews as well as Asians send their kids to language schools where support/nepotism networks are created (as well as culture, history and in-group preference are taught), so a long term Identitarian structure could emulate and improve upon that easily once members have a steady stream of kids of all ages. As state schools become more 'diverse' [non/anti-white] the need for this will become more apparent even to the racially unconscious.
Sounds like the family-focused Texas chapter is getting close in that regard! Which is very heartening and impressive!
@Jacob lol that’s entirely legit. Multiple good outcomes bc of our identitarianism
@Anthony Sealy - MO On that topic, I was talking to a high school principal the other day who was going through the school with a higher-up. The majority of the classes they went to had no instruction going on whatsoever, even though they saw these two people come in. Blew my mind.
I think it depends on the institution and the degree received @Anthony Sealy - MO
I’m majoring in Petroleum Engineering and some of the professors are actually conservative
I know an Arab Christian that is a petro engineer. They are center left but go full bad optics when it comes to the old country. Haven't talked to them in a while
Wow. How can people actually believe this crap?
The corporate globalist press is the enemy of the people.
LAX is a nightmare. It took me 2 hours to clear customs and I didn't even get molested.
I even declared that I was on a farm and they just waved me past quarantine because the line was so long and apparently I looked healthy enough.
Why are whites over represented when it comes to dui
Because Hispanics are "white"
lol when I was at SeaTac when I was like 12, I had food from Poland and they made me read off the ingredients to make sure there's no pork
or maybe it was beef
something to do with spreading diseases
imagine trusting some 12 year old kid to translate ingredients in a language from a country he didn't even grow up in
@Der Seeteufel - SD In all fairness, a bunch of them are. Hispanic just refers to a broader culture not a race.
Fair Spaniard Castizos aren't running up here and driving drunk hit and runs though.
Yeah it's true some Hispanics are white but all you have to do is look at what the FBIs most wanted list considers white to know what I'm referring to.
Super Saiyan Stefan
Will he fly too close to the sun?
He’s gonna go too far and lose his connections. I’m concerned
love to see that @Sam Anderson
Tfw you want Patrick to go on his show and then you worry that Molys public rhetoric is becoming too extreme.
Nah. Moly is still less hardcore than Red Ice, Patrick's employer amd main outside-of-IE venue
I love Red Ice and consider Red Ice to be the threshold of classy and defensible without qualifications. Past that you get stuff that can still be great but is maybe too edgy for most (TRS)
Although TRS is not all one show or group. The Godcast attempts to avoid curse words, Convict Report is more normie- accessible than FtN, which is itself less meme than TDS, which is actually less over the top than others, etc
My point is actually publicly speaking about Jews in such a way that Patrick would not publicly.
As long as all state coordinators are doing their best to make sure no such individuals enter the organization, a Jared Taylor "no comment" type line is good.
It's great to hear good music for us that isn't quite so overpoweringly loud.
“Jewish supremacy” is a major David Duke talking point