Message from @Nota Bene - NY
Discord ID: 532733192587706368
Welp lads
Learned an important lesson this week
When a woman says “why would you want to be dependent on your husband!?”
Do not say “why do you want to be dependent on daycare”
That is all.
I feel like you should say that every time though
gotta say fam, I coulda told you that without first hand knowledge
Nancy Pelosi, please succumb to your illness and stay home.
Welcome back New Guy/Old Guy
Who’s the former coordinator who recently rejoined?
Oh, sick
anybody been watching JF's stream?
Dude, the National Review is so cool
I almost forgot about the fireside today.
lol 😃
@micbwilli Your pants are too short \
Yes, I only applied because Jared Taylor and Patrick pushed me
in marketing it's called a "call to action" -- has a big impact on people taking a step to do things
Do you have the Will to DM???
Yeah, a call to apply can be overwhelming, but a call to just DM or get in touch is easier
THOT leaders?
Hey, @Kurz - VA, ask @micbwilli to give you the short-shorts hookup ⬆
Don't be pushy with people but friends you know and trust sometimes need to be firmly convinced.
That's good
Reach out to them. Don't rely on people to follow through on anything. Not saying IE people aren't high agency, but given the choice, better to push it through yourself. I sit at a desk making phone calls all day and I know the average person never does anything they say they're going to. IE people are obviously mostly a couple steps higher functioning than that, but when it comes to getting things done for the organization, best make it happen yourself.
gonna go retweet now!
No reason not to RT, guys. Make a sock twitter.
Shout out to Kentucky chapter,loved the personal activism & tweet!!!😀💙💜