Message from @William Russell
Discord ID: 399362666461790228
gf's parents = 2
Blacks, Gays, Jews and other "unhuman scum" = 0
Tfw Day of the rope is actually just spergs killing each other
This is natural selection at work
Tbh, any news that makes the distinction between Identitarians like us and the rest of the alt-right more apparent to the average person is good
IE is where quality people go
true, but I think most of these articles go out of their way to lump us together.
so yeah, got to do what we can to distinguish.
99% of the public doesn't see a difference between us.
They will if we continue to go at it like we have the past month.
I'm not so sure about that, @Havamal. 99% of Leftists might not, but when interacting with normal people who aren't completely left-wing I've found that they recognize we're doing something different.
My family, for example, probably would have disowned me if I joined the Nationl Socialist Movement. But they're more or less supportive of what I'm doing in IE.
I agree that we are doing the right thing and that if you explain it to them people will see the difference. However, if you poll your average normie they won't know Vangaurd from IE. It's up to us to change that. It will take time.
It does take time to establish credibility or legitimacy, which is precisely what we need. We just need to be patient and keep working at it.
What’s tpc
The Political Cesspool
James Edwards has been a faithful warrior for many years
People are very happy that we exist.
To see your name in that magnificent lineup is inspiring within itself. We're going to do great things in 2018
12:42 for Memphis activism/Patrick Casey portion I Don't know if this was already shared 45mins in and three IE mentions thus far
Positive, I hope?
Yes, they were positive. The usual statements of we will not tolerate this on our campus...
Last line was funny... For those of you that feel unsafe about this group's presence on our campus, go to the diversity and inclusion officem
they called us identitarians!
Yup. Later though it said, and other white supremicist groups.
Still progress.
It is of a sorts,wasnt too derogatory
"“PSU doesn’t tolerate discrimination or harassment and works to create a respectful, inclusive and safe campus for all. PSU has rules about where and what signage students or others can post"
I just dont like that they lunped us in with others that literally left swastikas
"where and what"
i wonder what they meant by saying they have rules for what you can post 🤔