Message from @Conway - OK
Discord ID: 456163933145792512
Lots of coverage. Especially if we fly over colleges or high-traffic areas
Money's a tad tight as of right now for all of the alt-right. Legal troubles and other things. Maybe later it could work and it would be great just as of right now everyone needs to be frugal.
What if I found somebody with a plane who is willing
Go for it then that's what Florida does.
I have a guy who went to school with my girlfriend who owns his own plane. May be able to get a hold of him and see where his views lie
That's really cool actually. Yeah that'd be good I'd talk to @wayne peek though he usually handles all the stuff like that.
Because of all the litter and the fact that you would have to drop about three dumpsters full of flyers to get any sort of coverage a flying banner on a busy beach would be better
Have a banner on the plane
Good call
Skimmed the article no one was doxxed however there were a few members named via username
I read the whole thing. Basically he said we are really nice people who care about race. Other than some comments about Jews it makes us sound good. Honestly if I would probably show this to a normie to promote IE.
The tone he takes is ominous but he doesn't back it up with anything most normies would be afraid of.
Lmao if this got posted on twitter, the leftist mob would come after them for portraying us in a sympathetic manner, just like with Tony Hovater
Yeah honestly I'm with you theres not a lot of bad on us. Actually kind of funny this is the worst they could dig up on us.
That’s why we run this organization the way that we do.
That's right, we are everywhere. We work next to you, we are your lawyers, and your cops. I relish in the fact that these people live in fear of not knowing if that clean cut white guy standing next to them is one of us
I'm very impressed with the North Atlantic crew and the conference attendees that we gave him absolutely nothing edgy or distasteful to bite into.
Always assume someone is watching
Yep. The reason he tries to paint Patrick as a slovenly dressed clutz was because nobody at the conference was Roman Saluting or Exto/Bowlcut/Fed Posting IRL.
If that had happened, he’d be painting Patrick as some well dressed and spoken Bond Villian.
I lol’ed at his comments towards Patrick. Like is that the best you got? Short, wrinkled shirt, and slanted lapel pin
I keep seeing this meme that we organized Cvile.
@Niko - WA Been noticing that also.
That's not really a meme. We were a pretty big part of Cville and a certain former CEO did basically say he was running the show even though that wasn't really true.
I wouldn’t say so. We went as invitees, and even though we encourage activism, it was not mandatory by any means. Much of the suit basically alleges that we conspired in a paramilitary fashion. Not true.
Eli’s role in all of this is unfortunate, no doubt, but when he was organizing the event, he was not doing so as an IE led event.
And as such was not speaking on behalf of IE in any way until he was CEO, at which point it was a short tenure.
This is two different badly written articles on the same day by the same site.
When Spokane sends its journalists, they’re not sending their best!
We got an accidental plug by Roaming Millenial in her latest video about the #freetommy event in England. I believe she meant Generation Identitaire at the 9:30 mark.
@Reinhard Wolff You got a shoutout in the latest Tales From The Trough episode! Segment starts at 34:36. You're mentioned at 36:46.
Excellent segment
Murdoch Murdoch give us a shout out in their very long AMA at 1:20:00 ish.
Some bluecheck noticed us.
oh, he's with Reveal, that's a public radio show with Al Letson- the black guy who saved an old man from antifa at a patriot prayer rally; of course, they've done a lot of hit pieces on the alt right
Reveal is supposed to be some high brow "investigative journalism"(literally funded by the Center for Investigative Journalism."