Message from @WilderBeast
Discord ID: 459960222879055893
Murdoch Murdoch give us a shout out in their very long AMA at 1:20:00 ish.
Some bluecheck noticed us.
oh, he's with Reveal, that's a public radio show with Al Letson- the black guy who saved an old man from antifa at a patriot prayer rally; of course, they've done a lot of hit pieces on the alt right
Reveal is supposed to be some high brow "investigative journalism"(literally funded by the Center for Investigative Journalism."
his blog is called "the hate report" lol
Hi new. Object if you don’t want me to drop the following comment on reveal’s post: “What do you mean by ‘these brainacs’ and why do you stick double quotes on the words “our future”? What’s wrong w that? It sounds like you think Identity Europa is hate group. If that’s the case, where’d you get that info from? The SPLC? “
Old and tragic news but this was published yesterday
Unfortunate. They don't reach out for comment and just run with BS.
We are mentioned as America's premier Identarian activist group, by Dr. Murdoch
1hr20mins in.
They talk about IE pretty much the entire episode
they give organization tips on what we should do to gain more power
Frame Game is a Jew but he makes some good points
Like for example when we do park cleanups. We need to point it out to the sanitation department and ultimately give free services via community service to gain power. This is what the ADL did for the extremism part of the FBI
What's the answer to the AQ?
State mandated vidya
@Procella Eques
Love this. Insight from a Jewish lawyer about how the Jews manifest their political influence - a ‘how to’ from the smallest, simplest moves
1) Start small - find individuals in your local area and establish and foster those relationships - build a network - have social events and move to item 2
2) Leverage vs Value Creation
—— example: Volunteer to pick up trash in your area, get the city dependent on your help, then start negotiating - yes it takes time
^^^ I attest
Excellent video!
@V.Balboa - PA Archive your link
@V.Balboa - PA Interesting how the SPLC quote was fairly reasonable while the ADL just says we're white supremacists. Perhaps the SPLC is getting more careful due to the lawsuits it lost
@V.Balboa - PA You said you'll archive the link
Who is Sam Harrington?
Some dude.
Sounds pretty based tbh.
47 states? Which 3 have we missed? <:teehee:381917632359563264>
I can proudly say South Dakota shouldn't be one of the 3.
We're hitting the big leagues
@Asatru Artist - MD I haven't seen anything in Delaware, but hopefully I can change that this Fall