Message from @The Morrígan
Discord ID: 473974082921168906
Of course, they have to use a circle jerk approach to "research".
Attention @everyone
We made the NYT, they used our statement, and not one mention of neo nazism or white supremacy! Our action made international waves!
That's friggin huge exposure right there
Excellent. Very pleasantly surprised by the neutral tone.
Apparently we are @Reinhard Wolff goons now.
Thats beautiful
Woohoo!!! We just made big waves everyone. Wow.
Tfw when you and 44 of your best bros casually worsen the relationship between the US and Mexico
The NYT article is copied over from Reuters, which explains the lack of bias
Get ready for an application surge from this
When will the full video recorded by Wayne be released?
I can't show anyone at home anything other than the 15 sec segment on Twitter @Matthias
All footage has been sent to the editor.
At this moment, I could not be prouder to be a member of our great organization. I am so glad I was able to be there and be a part of it. Cheers Identity Evropa.
There's at least 20 of these Patch articles.
I'm on vacation camping right now so I can't upload all my footage, but I did make this little video before I left. Again, it was a good time.
holy crap @Goldstein Riots ...they did. The entire twitter search of "Identity Evropa" is all patch posts from 13 mins ago lol
@Phillip Wiglesworth - FL Fake news, but they link to the tweets. The optics of IE can overcome crappy reporting.
We made relationships worse! Lol!
Screenshot of the article if anyone wants it, great to be there!
The fact that "build the wall" made relationships worse is saying something...considering they have a wall on their southern border...
They want their scrubs to leave the country to be parasites in ours instead of theirs.
I just think it’s incredible they would grant us so much power that an org like ours could actually impact international relations! Talk about a resume builder!
Our power level is growing. We will not be stopped.
Maybe we will worsen relations so much that *they* will build the wall instead. <:teehee:381917632359563264>
h/t @Zyzz, @Brunswick add it to the website: "Identity Evropa has also been credited by the Mexican Consulate in New York City as being a major influencer in geo-political relationships between the United States and Mexico."
Looks like we made WSJ too
and the hill
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