
Discord ID: 263820555243880449

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2017-11-23 01:17:38 UTC [Greenline Front #introduction]  

Student/Machine Operator
Libertarian->paleo conservative->altright->generally white nationalist
I was told to by an ifunnier.
What sort of skill? I can operate machines.
A white fucking ethnostate led by an authoritarian governance.

2017-11-23 01:20:49 UTC [Greenline Front #photos_of_members]  

I havenโ€™t taken any photos since I was with Vanguard.


Whatโ€™s the color code for IE Teal

@Asatru Artist - MD perfect. That gives me something. Thanks so much fam

Stay away from the Jazz Cabbage in Colorado, boys

@rowdyroddypiper Makes you more susceptible to degeneracy.

Speaking from experience. Weed is terrible for the white man. Destroys agency

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