Message from @Cardiff
Discord ID: 376838317586513920
land can be lost and the people survive
see: volkswanderung
Gents, Let's take the convo out of the Whitepill channel.
Front of r/the_donald. Great comments as well:
@Logan @missliterallywho Congratulations you two!!!
Very big news!
@Deleted User for Best Man?
@missliterallywho Congratulations!
Is Christmas coming early
I hope that article is accurate
Talking to a guy from a regional general AR server. He just said this to me "I'll be honest, as an outsider i see ie as higher quality than the other groups"
We're doing something right, goy
Nice. Tell him to apply.
Already did
Fox reporting refugee statistics since Trump took office
@missliterallywho @Logan congrats guys
A quick side story of some good news this morning. First time in 40 years, A white American women wins NYC marathon, beating out the Kenyan guy who had one several in past.
Irish name no less
Master Potato Race
Larry the cable guy knows who Sam Hyde is
So my girls cousin he was a total normie and hated politics, discovered 4 chan and the JQ
dude what, he went on 4chan and just starte dscreaming?
Pretty much I don't know the guy to well but yeah guess been checking it out for the last few days now is shouting about Jews and deep state
"no one can calm him down" = "he keeps inconveniently naming the Jew"
Help, my brother is #woke!
@Robtheroman Wake up, Western Man.
I think this is a difficult point to drive home. This isn't a war on Christianity. This is just more violence against whites. It's just being obfuscated by the media.
I mean nibbas aren't going into black churches and shooting people. Dylan Roof aside, but he was honest about his motives.
DJT Jr's tweet reflects something Jazz hands McFeels is always saying: Democrats can't help but be anti-white