Message from @John O -

Discord ID: 405483342537031690

2018-01-23 00:22:23 UTC  

They've been setting off bombs at banks and they have a lethal record against GD. Scary stuff going on

2018-01-23 00:23:30 UTC  

The bulk of the Greek police force are sympathetic to Golden Dawn however

2018-01-23 00:28:39 UTC

2018-01-23 00:40:36 UTC  

Guess the precedent has already been set and GD is acting in turn. Anyway, better off taking this to general now. Thanks for the context both of you.

2018-01-23 05:16:18 UTC  

@CWeiss Elite jews probably do care that their women are mixing but it won’t effect their power. Because lower class jews aren’t their soldiers anyways. We are.

2018-01-23 07:24:19 UTC  

@Titus Pullo Indeed. But the smaller their population gets, the smaller the machine is. One needs a certain population to be a significant minority. Nobody cares about the victimization of Eskimos because they're too small a contingency to matter. Jew mixing = less jewish influence world-wide, and a low birth-rate means the same. Can't correlate any other way. Definitely not an immediate solution though

2018-01-23 08:10:17 UTC  

So long as Israel exists Jews will exist, however the Jewish population there does still have a problem. Ashkenazi are being outbred by Mizrahi, who have a much lower IQ (Israel’s avg IQ is only 90).

2018-01-23 08:11:48 UTC  

^One of the reasons I support a Jewish state in the middle east (for now).

2018-01-23 08:12:51 UTC

2018-01-23 08:13:05 UTC  

The future of Israel if trends continue.

2018-01-23 08:16:24 UTC  

I’m normally quite the rationalist, however i do believe it is not entirely out of the cards that some sort of supernatural protection is on the Jews (why i do not know) and am weary of anyone who thinks they will just be gotten rid of. Letting them incubate in their own plot of land as they devolve into more typical and nationalistic semites could be good for them.

2018-01-23 14:11:40 UTC  
2018-01-23 14:45:18 UTC  

Uh oh Stef. Careful now..

2018-01-23 16:06:08 UTC  

We cant have two kings of madagascar what with Steve miller

2018-01-23 17:10:40 UTC  

Madagascan Triumvirate when

2018-01-23 21:59:24 UTC  

Shilling on the chans unless you are 100% versed in chan culture is suicide for w.e you're trying to do.

2018-01-23 22:05:50 UTC  


2018-01-23 22:06:02 UTC  

Shilling almost kept me from joining IE

2018-01-23 22:57:56 UTC  

Wow that Youcis cartoon is definitely NOT for children

2018-01-23 23:26:44 UTC  

I'm going to agree that's a no on the children thing

2018-01-23 23:27:00 UTC  

Surprised there aren't more things like that though

2018-01-24 01:28:21 UTC  
2018-01-24 02:16:33 UTC  

White House deputy press secretary slammed the Gang of Six immigration bill because it failed to eliminate the visa lottery, end chain migration, and fund the wall.

2018-01-24 05:30:20 UTC  

from a USA today article saying how the real number of "dreamers" is close to 4 million

2018-01-24 05:30:45 UTC  

Robert's comment has the 2nd most likes

2018-01-25 01:01:55 UTC  

Deport them now

2018-01-25 01:02:59 UTC  

White America

2018-01-25 02:12:40 UTC  

From the article, it doesn't really seem like her stepping down has anything to do with Richard's speaking engagement and him winning the lawsuit. Regardless, she seems terrible and it's a good thing.

2018-01-25 02:29:23 UTC  

It's good to claim victories, even if we didn't earn them. Makes us look more powerful.

2018-01-25 02:30:33 UTC  

Or desperate.

2018-01-25 02:32:33 UTC  

If you can claim a victory you didn't win and it actually looks like something you accomplished, absolutely, claim it. But imo, if you claim some "victory" and it can be easily seen you had nothing to do with the perceived positive outcome of the situation, it just makes you look desperate and weak.

2018-01-25 02:36:43 UTC  

well... if no one can prove otherwise.

2018-01-25 02:50:33 UTC  

We can always claim them as victories for the movement, and cheer those who completed it- without championing the victory being our own doing

2018-01-25 02:50:48 UTC  

Ok, reading that it has something to do with pedophilia, yet oddly not connected to spencer.

2018-01-25 02:56:46 UTC This is really big! How long until we get Stefan on they’re talking about race and IQ? Jared Taylor after that???

2018-01-25 02:59:44 UTC  

@Erika *nods* From what I read, MSU is under pressure of numerous lawsuits, including one with USA Gymnastics...which might actually have been her nail in the coffin.

2018-01-25 03:28:23 UTC  

MSU seems to have way bigger fish to fry than Spencer right now.