
Discord ID: 128621388951977984

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Thank you @Matthias

What u guys think? Convincing?

>> black "intellectuals"

>> evidence


"Even jewish youth are race-mixing more these days. Breeding with goyim. Why? Because not all of them are the elites. Most of them aren't on with the program. They think their parents are being stuffy when they say "meet a nice Jewish boy and settle down." Why would any young jewess be satisfied with bar mitzvah boy when she can have Tyrone? After all, she has been raised her whole life to KNOW that all of us are what's wrong with race-mixing? Just shows how greedy and short-sighted they are"

Thoughts I had today

@Titus Pullo Indeed. But the smaller their population gets, the smaller the machine is. One needs a certain population to be a significant minority. Nobody cares about the victimization of Eskimos because they're too small a contingency to matter. Jew mixing = less jewish influence world-wide, and a low birth-rate means the same. Can't correlate any other way. Definitely not an immediate solution though

@everyone do I get admitted in the ethnostate?

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