Message from @ophiuchus
Discord ID: 406624154087849984
Kaiser Jason haha
Lol, Kaiser and I are the first votes for IE.
Side note: Joe Ross is a really good guy.
Cantwell's followers seem to have a more Vanguard style and attitude, so that's especially good.
I was surprised at the results of the poll, because it usually seems like that group is overrun with TWP folks.
What's that last option??
@Deleted User - I Assume you're joking?
@Deleted User only the essential people would know
Just LOL at Operation Homeland
The candidate said that he hoped his daughters do not grow up to be “career obsessed banshees who forgo home life and children and the happiness of family to become nail-biting manophobic hell-bent feminist she devils who shriek from the top of a thousand tall buildings they are [SIC] think they could have leaped in a single bound — had men not been ‘suppressing them.’ It’s just nuts.”
It's no longer The Current Year!
Oh, but it is the current year :mrburns:
The future is looking bright
Proud to say that I'm part of that demographic. ^^ Gen Z isn't just a meme folks.
What's Vermont?
bernie, probably. or jill stein?
Israel 🇮🇱
Denmark has some great identitarians
@Deleted User why are the Utah whites liberal??? I thought the Mormons were conservative
Typical, tbh
@_AltRight_Anew -AZ check out the high def on that video hahahahahahahaha!
Czech President reelected. He's anti-Islam:
Tired: muh based poles
Wired: based czechoslovaks
Far too much green.
Eastern Europe 👌
Broke: 10-19% of your pop condones racemixing
Woke: citizenry hates blacks so much that it doesn't even register
Sloke: some other third thing
Sloke: you don't even know what a black person is but you think it sounds sinister.
Wonderful news. I was afraid that he would lose.