Message from @MrDefault
Discord ID: 487730498169470977
Defend IE in the comments ^
SPLC bot that gives out location of monuments and encourages their destruction
I work with a lot of younger guys and can attest to noticing the almost ritual use of Snapchat and Insta(gram) over FB
@Goose That is absolutely *disgusting.*
Even IF one is opposed to what the Confederacy stand for, don't they want to remember their history so they don't repeat it? It reminds me an awful lot of Isis destroying ancient sites in Iraq; it doesn't jive with their religious history of a couple thousand years, so they get rid of it. Irreplaceable ancient Sumerian sites. Entire sites. Just gone.
@Stahl - IL it's all coastal elites moving to the south
@Goose. Ugh...coasties in the south? What's next? Whites being a minority in Europe and the U.S.?!!
Creating accounts like this for your school or city is a great way to amplify our message, provide commentary on local issues, and funnel people into IE.
By having it as “Identitarians” instead of say “RU IE” we can bypass awkward parts of IEs past and focus more on our tenets and beliefs rather than IE directly (and if people become identitarian then they’ll obviously check out the premier ID org in the US)
Thank you to everyone for supporting my Reddit thread. I am planning to follow up with more immigration related posts. Maybe something more specific or dealing with particular aspects of immigration. I have some ideas in the works and will post here.
Could you guys comment on this tweet.
ADL's gotta come up with new ways of staying relevant and bringing in the shekels.
It’s a map of where the cool kids hangout.
Reddit is talking about the recent Westword article.
Are we able to edit the IE wikipedia to elimate references to NS?
That's an ongoing project that @Steve - NJ is leading but one that requires more assisstance.
@Kane it's a widespread problem on wikipedia with these kinds of things. There are very dedicated people who likely get paid to prevent right-wing groups from being represented fairly
Interesting thread
A really cucky "based legal immigrant" thread in r/the_donald. Get in there....
@Jacob very interesting. I think it already well out of hand. Now that half my subs were banned I think I will be spending more time in CMV.
Everyone should be sharing this with everyone.
I’m not used to seeing her that pumped up. It’s exciting.
Lana’s always pumped up
She's an archetype. We're fortunate to have her on our side.
We're going to need help promoting our Anti-Cuomo action
@Campbell4732 please send extra pics to the team.
Pics will be sent after the end of this weekend
I don't know if we already do this or not...but filling conservative comment sections with wokeness might help with pointing out why media is so degenerate