Message from @Stella
Discord ID: 512085415248003072
so easy to have words taken out of context
Isnt it stick to public universities, avoid private? @Reinhard Wolff
Yes, @Reinhard Wolff meant to only flyer public universities
“European roots, American greatness!”
Epic gamer fashy goys btfo eternally
crazy people out there
I’m currently on for the Pledge orientation, but I might have to get off once we get close to the Q/A. I’ve got some other time-sensitive things I need to get done tonight. I’ve read through the guidebook already, and I think I’ve had any questions I had answered by that and by what Patrick has talked about. Am I going to be penalized for that? @Danimal876
Irish Internet Defense Force
@Reinhard Wolff Ben had a question ^^^
@Reinhard Wolff what did you say about cyber strike channel?
@Reinhard Wolff when you say other activist groups, that doesn't include TRS poop parties right?
Glad to be here again, Brother! Looking forward to moving forward! @Reinhard Wolff
isnt it steve
k thanks
Yeah please reach out to me for Cyberstrike guys
I’d like to know the preferred options for donating?
Standard Poop Party
@Reinhard Wolff @ 8:20PM tonight (during the orientation) I received an invite to a Mercury-IE server, and a minute later I received an email telling me my account was deactivated. I was wondering whether this IE-intentional, or if the mercury server malfunctioned.
After this orientation, are IE members expected to go through any other interviews/orientations?
Make sure to @ Patrick
I think mine got bumped up — what are the preferred methods for donating?
@Reinhard Wolff just to be clear, we're allowed to have economic conversations about capitalism vs socialism right so long as it isn't the German regime from WWII.
@Reinhard Wolff who can I talk to about becoming a patron?
@Reinhard Wolff Are secondary interviews scheduled by the regional coordinator, or someone higher up?
I’d like to do more. Does Bitcoin work too? I did notice the address is listed on SPLC. Would there be another address to use?
Become a patron. Get a fancy yellow name like me!
You mean **golden**
Colors are a social construct
To symbolize luxury and high society
@Max Hetling We'd prefer to just keep Third Reich discussions off the server almost entirely. Theoryposting and whatnot about "what ifs" and "yah, buts" is included in that.
@Reinhard Wolff i am in CA but however might possibly be moving back to WI or to another state, im not sure yet, if any of us are to move is it possible to check for other states with active chapters?
@Reinhard Wolff I’ve had two interviews, but I’ve been told that I need a 3rd for additional vetting. Should I assume that after the 3rd I will be a full IE member and have access to regional servers for participating and planning meetups?