Message from @Lily Lee - NJ
Discord ID: 512089274825310209
@Max Hetling We'd prefer to just keep Third Reich discussions off the server almost entirely. Theoryposting and whatnot about "what ifs" and "yah, buts" is included in that.
@Reinhard Wolff i am in CA but however might possibly be moving back to WI or to another state, im not sure yet, if any of us are to move is it possible to check for other states with active chapters?
@Reinhard Wolff I’ve had two interviews, but I’ve been told that I need a 3rd for additional vetting. Should I assume that after the 3rd I will be a full IE member and have access to regional servers for participating and planning meetups?
@Reinhard Wolff Has anyone ever gotten in trouble with their university even while following all the rules for postering? With all the hubbub made over them I'm paranoid that they'll look at security footage or something like that.
@Reinhard Wolff any differences between the first and second interview
@Reinhard Wolff are there any other major activism events like DTR coming up soon that I could participate in?
@Reinhard Wolff I noticed in one of your interviews that you had an IE flag. Is there anywhere that I can purchase/procure one?
@Reinhard Wolff I was told there's an I podcast, where is it?
@Reinhard Wolff I'm assuming I'll have access to the members lounge following my admittance to the organization?
@Reinhard Wolff How long does it usually take for a coordinator to set up the the second interview, or do they do that after orientation?
About a week and a few days.
Central valley
@Reinhard Wolff do the MD people meet up in DC? There's no good pool party for DC and Ive heard there's a large IE prescense there.
Okay, thank you.
Yeah DC is nice
Can't wait, looking forward to it!
Thanks for having us
Thanks Patrick!
Thank you Patrick, gn.
Thanks Patrick!
thanks and g'night everyone
That was great, thanks for taking the organization seriously. Really happy to be joining.
Glad to have all of you.
Thanks guys!
@Walt Good Luck, see you on the other side brother!
Likewise @Nico The Great - CA
Thanks for attending everyone! Those who have had their secondary interview already and were here tonight, I will change your tag to member when our systems show you have paid your dues. I will double check their status tonight.
To clarify, to those that I have not interviewed myself, please let your second interviewer know you have completed the membership orientation. If your dues are showing paid, and you have passed a second interview, they will change your role to "member" from "pledge," unless you are having a third interview.
Morning! Am I still showing up as a pledge? 🧐
@giuseppe398 yes
You can tell by the color theme of your username
Ah, I did the orientation. So, I guess I wait. I figure you have to be full member to get one of those fancy activism packs. 😎
Meaning we can still haze you <:teehee:381917632359563264>
Jk. Get with your coordinator
Dang. I’ve already had the goat when I when I became a Pike. Lol What’s next? 😱 Ok, will do. Thx!