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As far as I know its just stickers for now. There might be other fundraisers later

But white genocide is a myth, goy

Looks like I'm in a safe zone <:nervous:359009898115104770>

Its great that this is all out in the open tbh. Makes it that much easier to present our case

@Hakujin - CA Thanks. I'm actually from CA originally. Lived here about 7 years.

The Rockies are really taking off for IE.

@Grayson just pledge orientation

@TheWhiteRationalist <:koba:359010745112985611> This is Koba, the real leader of IE

Damn, what happened to Arnold? He was my hero as a kid.

Good morning IE! What's on everybody's reading list today?

Lol. If it isn't a primary source, I take it with a grain of salt.

Just started reading it so idk yet

"Our only hope is a coup.........end the Republic." - Patrick Casey

If I won the lottery, I would move to Ukraine & live like a king.

University of Wyoming, Laramie WY

@Phillip Wiglesworth - FL What city does he live in? Asking for a friend

Is Gaston County Antifa a troll account? I can't even tell anymore

His wife isn't even a full on indian, she's like 1/2 to 1/4.

That jawline tho

Speaking of feds, whatever happened to Atomwaffen? Were they just broken by Satan Gate?

I found this meme making the rounds on antifa twitter. Might be good to show your liberal friends/family.

They did beat up a Bernie Bro, then try to claim he was a nazi after the fact.

I think we've all been there @NITRODUBS

You people and your computers. Just work in a coal mine

@ThisIsChris That should probably go in announcements otherwise it will just keep getting posted.

@Jacob Fellow White

Are we posting doggo pics?

Bouncer = exotic dancer?<:nervous:359009898115104770>

@Asatru Artist - MD That Tim Wise letter is why I am an active Identitarian.

If we're doing Asian larping we need Identitarian throat singing

@NateDahl76 That's cool, I didn't know about that.

Good morning IE! What's everybody reading today?

@Virgil Harsh criticism right there. It's my first time reading it, so I guess I'll see if it's that bad.

@Virgil Interesting. I'll keep that in mind when I read it. Thanks for the feedback.

2018-10-29 18:03:25 UTC [Literature Club #general]  

2018-10-29 18:07:03 UTC [Literature Club #general]  

Thanks! I've just been book posting in general, didn't even know we had a literature club until now.

I got this

@Reinhard Wolff Imagine pouring through hundreds of tweets, looking for one you can use to tattle on somebody. We're reaching levels of hall monitor that shouldn't be possible.

Did I miss anything in the fireside yesterday?

The gayexican cries out as he strikes you.

Now is the time to flyer.

@ChippedStones Neidell is an absolute cuck, but I'm gonna miss The Great War.

I'll check it out, but if the propaganda gets to be too much I won't stick with it.

My fiance & I getting wedding pictures done today. We're looking at mid July for a date. Everyone from IE is invited. ๐Ÿ˜‰

@Jacob Do it!

Moving back to the homeland, that's living the dream.

Nice work @halfMc food drives are a great activism idea that everyone can do.

Good morning everybody, just got home from work, about to hit the (home) gym

Not the most aesthetic pics, but I hit some of the busier intersections of downtown Rock Springs, WY

Green River, WY downtown area

@giuseppe398 I always go with double sided tape, it's the easiest to work with imo

Good job @Grayson , he seemed to be really receptive

From the Ukrainian perspective, Russia is a multi racial empire that wants to dominate their country.

No surprise there. It was always in the cards, for obvious reasons........

@Sacramento That's congealed fat

@Reinhard Wolff Getting engagement photos done tomorrow.

You think that's bad? I met a guy named Caveman Justis once.

Nice work @Gimlet

It SHOULD be legal, but it isn't so it's a very stupid thing to do.

@Ekdromoi Nice bro, I just ordered both his books last night.

Guilty of premeditated memes.

Just got these in the mail today

@Jonaltright I'll have to get back to you on that after I read his books.

@Grayson Nice! I'm glad you ended up with a good roommate.

@Papa Pizzagate I swear this guy was my waiter at Applebees once

I tried to get the 2 for 20 but he kept ranting about collectivism & asking if I read Locke

Coldest take I've seen yet

Tfw I have 3 chihuahuas

Grandma is more hardcore than I am.


>Seize property from landlords
>Free housing for everyone
Checkmate, capitalists.

@Brunswick We've never met before, but I'll see you at lopf

There is one other guy in WY, but I don't think he's going to make it. Looking forward to meeting you as well

@willsaxon If they're still up, just come back and take pictures during daylight hours.

Clearly, the white man learned about modern governance from the Iroquois Confederation. Before that we were just a loose collection of tribes.

@OttoVonBismarck Good luck buddy

Good to see you too @Sonic that was some top tier activism today.

Until we know who the assailants are, anything is possible.

No, but a few of them stopped and talked with us. They were very supportive.

We gave out a few business cards to the ones who chatted for a while.

Irl mods

Yeah, as of today.

Like a week later, yes. Thank you.

Meeting you and the other members at the NWF was the reason I joined. You should get merch commission!

I completely advocate infiltrating both political parties. Of course, we would probably have more success with the Republicans for obvious reasons.

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