Message from @Roland
Discord ID: 502881547213602846
I don't think their political considerations go much below the surface level.
Proudboys political worldview:
Capitalism = good
Patriarchy = Good
Law and Order = Good
Illegal immigration =bad
Trump = Good
Democrats = the real racists = bad
Antifa = beat up
Perty much.
sounds like a recipe for a meme
Gavin himself knows more than he lets on. He had Jared Taylor on his old show of course
@VinceChaos Oh, yeah... Forgot about that.
He couldn’t swallow more redpills bc he has 3 kids with a feather indian of course
same with Joe Biggs
@Deleted User - I just spent a weekend with 12 Proud Boys, and surprisingly we sat down in their woods lodge and had genuine discussion on the JQ, demographics, degenerate behavior, etc. We spent the day at the gun range, of course, then cooked elk steak with German potato salad and practice sparring for a good few hours around a fire.
It was honestly kind of legit
yeah, they know
gavin definitely knows
We must separate ourselves from the violent alt lite 😂 😂
@VinceChaos It's neither here nor there, but I honestly don't see any contradiction between being married to an American Indian, and advocating for a moratorium on immigration (except for White refugees) and remigration. The only point of contention would be the possibility of mass White immigration thereafter, which it would make sense for Indians to oppose.
alt lite are the real wignats
@Bjorn - MD oh I don’t see an actual contradiction on that front either I bet it serves as a mental block for him tho. He loves Ann Coulter
Not sure he’d take miscegenation redpills well
His wife isn't even a full on indian, she's like 1/2 to 1/4.
@Roland oh really I didn’t know that
......which would make her Metis, and their children pretty much Mordvin-tier.
That jawline tho
Yup, the Ancient North Eurasian is strong in that one.
It’s stronger than his own weak chin he hides under his beard
@Koba Since TWP's box broke Proud Boys unironically are the real wignats
NSM is such a non-entity that they barely figure in. Proud Boys probably have more antifa plants, but fewer feds than NSM.
I forget who owns the cuck box
Someone has it as memorabilia
Speaking of feds, whatever happened to Atomwaffen? Were they just broken by Satan Gate?
Hovater maybe has the box? He was third in command after both Matts, no?
They’re just larpers @Roland
No one takes them seriously except for feds. Bunch of losers
I’ll get back to you on it @Wood-Ape - OK/MN
Proud Boys are way better than most pedes
Are Siberians white?
There are whites in Siberia, but the natives are basically Inuits
Most Siberians now are Russians so yes