Message from @godric
Discord ID: 513524823289364481
I guess I was thinking about this from the perspective of changing people's views in general. It's probably a lot different if you're in a relationship.
The unhinged types--not the conspiracy theorists (of which I am, personally)
My fiancé replaced all of our shower heads with vitamin c filters. She claims she wants a “Jew free home.”
lefty Twitter always has good content lol
What is this new power?
wait a second
Is it possible to learn it?
@Jacob I don't think you can change a person's views. They do have to come to it themselves. Give a bite of info and if they're interested, they'll dive in on their own time
nationalism wasn't scary enough so now they are ULTRAnationalists
(not from a Jedi)
if the political spectrum is a horseshoe, does that mean if you go too far right, you go full circle and become a leftist?
I drink Monster Zero Ultra... Nationalist style
Far-right Ultranationalist? I didn't know we could be that--I'm in
@Wood-Ape - OK/MN real men sip
@Flint Eh, I don't think your average person cares enough to "dive in". Most people form their opinions passively. The personality type that sits and reads studies is extremely rare.
Super Double Plus Nationalist, Comrade
Should I be an ultranationalism early adopter? Or wait until
Giganationalism comes out and ultranationalism is on discount?
the girls that want to date me are always non white
MegaUltraSuperNationalists ONLY
if I was into non white girls I could have a new girlfriend every week
@Alexander Pechorin based
They want that alpha white gene for their children
working with a bunch of Hispanic girls is the worst
they'll all get crushes on you if you have blue eyes
Non white girls are temptresses who will literally start guilting you for colonialism when you have fights over where to eat dinner. Trust me but dont ask how I know.
Unfortunately it can be difficult to get a good white woman until you’re a bit more established.
Priorities change
I personally think guys should be established before getting into relationships
I got my first "mire" from a white girl today. In the three months I have been lifting, only the mullata mire
@godric It's okay, a lot of guys here had non-white girlfriends before their views changed. You can admit it.
Generally yes. I enjoyed having mine around as I built my career though. She was a great partner and sounding board.