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Book of the Month discussion -
We will use this channel to discuss weekly what we have read and learned from the Book of the Month.
"This book, however, is more than just a book. It is many things at once: a handbook, a tool of critical observation, a strategic weapon, a compass of the spirit, and a leader of the struggle - and, because of this, predestined to become the reference work for all European identitarian forces of the Twenty-first century. Like the previous book in this series, this is also written out of duty and inner necessity in the service of a strategy of awakening as well as to create a corpus for a common European worldview. These are war books that serve, one as well as the other, to constantly remind us that we are engaged with an enemy who threatens the very essence of our being: the inviolable right to be and become what we are, with an identity embedded in the legacy of our ancestors, whose biographies tell the most important part of world history. They tell of everything from the conquest of the Earth to the conquest of the stars with the millennia-old, unalterable respect for the laws of life - against all criminal ideologies of racial and cultural extermination, whose handiwork is named miscegenation. By now it should be understood why such books are viewed as being of the worst sort by all who despise and destroy the races. It is because they teach about the right of peoples and the laws of life that govern them, which is everything that these destroyers are attempting to exterminate." Pg 23 (Kindle edition) Why We Fight.
This book is hyping me and I'm still in the foreward.
The forward felt like punishment to me. I skipped part of it with so many names and references to schools of thought, philosophies, and movements. The main text isn't hard to read. I might read the forward after the main text because it's good too. I'm liking the Kindle version because of it's integrated dictionary look up and being able to quickly look up that germen is an archaic word for seed, etc.
Yeah I often skip the forwards or intros to books but since I have no contextual knowledge of Faye I thought it would be necessary to set the stage.
You should push yourself to read the forward and intro. All those references in the forward are great for research and the intro is basically the thesis of any bookโreally helps you in grasping the whole thing
If an intro is too confusing or dry, I usually make a point to read it at least after I read the whole text.
Most forwards to books spoil the book anyway. Read it after.
Some forwards do tend to do that
i haven't started yet or put my hands on it
but @DeusVolk intro post motivating af
have we set an official start date or # of pages/week we are reading?
@Zyzz I think we'll pick 1/5 to start to ensure everyone has a copy. Judging from the poll last night, we will be doing 50 pages weekly.
I will post an announcement in a few hours, just giving more time for people to vote.
Also, if you do not have a copy or do not think you will have one by 1/5, send me a message and we'll get you taken care of.
Im in the same boat @Pavel Cristoviฤ but now im hyped without even reading the first page!
Guessing someone's thought about this, but auto repagination is going to make figuring out if you're on the mark for the 50 pages tough. Not sure how to sort that out. Any ideas?
I have thought about this and figured the format could be different for kindle. We could go by chapters to help fix this issue, chapter 3 is 65pgs, we could probably stop there.
Considering the book begins on page 9, it shouldn't be too big of a difference.
So botm is Why we fight?
@Deleted User looks like it
Alllllllllrighty then
I ordered it last night, so it will be here Tuesday I think.
Is that a fairly new book.
Why We Fight? 2012 I think
@Deleted User Why, you making sure you're buying the right one?
Aye. 29 buckaroos. Worth it
Itโs a 2011 translation of a 2001 book. Sort of eerie how it predates what we see now so well.
I have my copy to reread, I'll try to participate
I like the name, btw. Good call back to a uniquely German part of history
Interesting that Faye doesn't talk about the JQ at all does he? I think I read in the forward of the copy of Why We Fight that I have (or maybe it was online) that he used to speak on the JQ, but then had a change of heart on it. Is that true?
Hes in Europe
Faye's position on the JQ is a complex subject. For a detailed analysis of Faye and the JQ i would recommend Michael O'Meara's books *New Culture, New Right* & *Guillaume Faye and the Battle of Europe*
I think Faye largely ignores, but is aware of the JQ, because he knows the real cure for our sickness is strengthening the European peoples first
Got my copy of Why We Fight in the mail. Might get a bit of a headstart if i get the chance to read.
It is unfortunate that Faye takes the line that America is a country for anyone, and not just whites.
Does he ever address Australia and Canada? Or does he view them same as the US?
His 'America is for everyone' line isn't consistent with his AmRen and NPI speeches. A lot of the book seems like rhetoric for Continential readers.
I'm only about a fifth way of the way done - he hasn't talked about them yet
Faye conflates geopolitics and ideology quite a bit. One of my serious problems with him is the antiamericanism throughout the book. The geopolitical criticism is sound, but projecting that onto a cultural critique of America is very irresponsible.
The problem here is the assumption that US foreign policy is guided by rational self-interest, instead of ideology.
He modifies that position quite a bit in *Convergence of Catastrophes* and his later books. Anti-americanism is deeply engrained in Alain de Benoist and GRECE. Faye's more recent stance is actually distinctly friendly toward America in comparison
Benoist's critique of America is essentially justified and extremely valuable IMO, even if we might want to dismiss aspects of it
His criticisms of the Greens are pretty good
the Green party here is pretty similar - unwilling to embrace population reduction and nuclear energy
even if they sometimes do talk (correctly) about the importance of sustainable growth, rather than unlimited growth
I agree. He did a wonderful job defending his position on nuclear energy
[pg. 56] *"What disturbs our neo-Leftist ecologists is the objective power (military and economic) and independence that nuclear power offers Europe, as well as its technological implications. Thereโs a distinct logic to the Leftโs struggle: weaken the European devil, censure her traditions and ancestral memories, defuse her technological and military power, smother her independence, corrupt her mores, and destroy her ethnic germen through immigration. Its anti-nuclear and propetroleum stances are but part of a concerted, multifaceted strategy to destroy the identity and continuity of European civilisation. The Leftโs environmental concerns and defence of public health are simply crude, oily pretexts."*
There's an interesting divide between the Old and New Left concerning population-control. A socialist organizer who lives in my building and I found a lot of common ground when I chatted with him recently about overpopulation. And yet, similar conversations that I have had with younger leftists usually derail into Third Worldist rhetoric.
From personal anecdotes, people seem a lot more understanding of the wall and mass deportation when it phrased in environmental terms. Probably that CA is running out of land and water
Made it to chapter 3. Good read so far. Taking notes and will expand on them for the discussion.
Awesome man, look forward to hearing the commentary
He has an interesting idea of a convergence of catastrophes - i.e. that changes in climate, economy, and demographics will result the collapse in the current system
Personally I'm not sure, it seems like Macron or Sisi or Modi or Trump figures might instead predominate
more political repression, with token nationalist actions and a largely unchanged economic system
Political repression, out right police states to control destroyed societies. *if it doesnt change. @Nemets
Great paragraph from page 39
> a rejection of aesthetics and the will to live
^ right. Thatโs a point that has been very understated but I think is widely felt by all of us. Thereโs no assertion of who you are and why you deserve to exist. Itโs all taken for granted.
Heart problem.
I think the second chapter is out of place. Most sustainable energy pushes are good for government and big corporations. Conserving the environment is super important but commissioning a new nuclear facility costs billions and sometimes over a decade of planning
But it looks good, and has been marketed for us. It also gives us the impetus to highlight gross government overregulation and media frenzy over safer forms of energy
I think his point is that its better for Europe and bad for (((America))) and her (((ME allies))) long term. Pointing out American dominance is frustrating cause he doesnt name (((them)))
I see
@Deleted User Late to this discussion, but I agree with you. Saying America is responsible for the factors contributing to Europe's decline is like saying Russia is responsible for Bolshevism.
@XI Palaeologus they both serve as the host.
Two commonalities between the two of them: jew controlled and a threat to the aryan (white European) race.
It's funny how Faye puts America in the same category as Islamic nations.
As if it was white Americans who pushed Marxism onto the masses.
The "melting pot" metaphor to describe America was created by a man literally named Israel in 1908.
Israel Zangwill in his 1917 play created the term right?
about the Russian Jewish immigrant to America?
dapper fellow
Honestly, his connections between the US using Muslims to keep Europe's power in check is an interesting theory, but of course we know the connections that Faye won't mention
However, we DO do that.... the US spreads Muslims around for little justification
We also have a pretty massive influence as a hegemonic entity of pushing diversity culture into Europe
He speaks more of governing bodies than populations
^^^^ what happened to the merchant reaction? Because thats who the feenchman wont name.
This server doesn't have it's own reactions yet.
Americans did spread diversity culture, but that culture was a result of European philosophies that originated before America was even founded.
Very true. Also, I don't think we want to be overly preoccupied with assigning moral blame to jews. If you let parasites manipulate and subvert your culture you can't really blame them for doing that. Jews are just acting in accordance with their nature and their collective interests. We need to look at the reasons why our culture has been unwilling to do the same. Faye and other French New Right thinkers are extremely useful in this regard.
I also think it's worth emphasizing that if you are singularly focused on the JQ then you are probably not going to like Faye. I think most of us will find that Faye's approach to the JQ has its problems. While critiques of Faye from this perspective are valid, i would recommend people think about why he takes the positions he does rather than just continually point at the JQ because trust me that will get tiresome. I only say this because I've noticed a lot of discussions of Faye end up going in this direction.
These philosophies were writen in monolithic societies with monolythic audiences. Much like the Bible, modern Europeans are taking these teachings and applying them to out groups.
It was never intended to be this way & it is destroying us. Hyper altruism, ethnic masochism and the lack of a will to survive is driving it.
And to a degree Faye likely understands that directly going after that group would require energies in conversations he would rather not focus on
The JQ is an easy way to open yourself up to attacks and conversations structured to trap you in the "white nationalist ghetto"
The New Right in Europe would rather not have that conversation
We can attack the systems of oppression that have been set in place to oppress us, and prosecute those who are guilty, which will inevitably lead us to our "J controllers". Once their mechanisms are dismantled, those of us who have the answer to the JQ can wage a silent war against these people and expose them for what they are so we can be certain that they are never permitted to return to ANY western civilization.
I was listening to the the Tara McCarthy debate with Styxhexenhammer yesterday, and he proposed that an identitarian movement isn't necessary for us to fix our society. That is bullshit. The destruction of our ethnic cohesion is a huge weapon that has been leveled against westernkind, and if we do not repair the damage, we may be vulnerable to divide and conquer tactics by the same elitists in the future. I dont know about you goys, but I dont want this same bullshit repeated during the lifetime of my grandchildren....
The only issue I see with not naming them, is that when we attack their mechanisms of oppression, they retain credibility to counter those attacks perpetually; which we've seen over and over again. It's a tough strategic question that I'm still on the fence about. I think the merit of naming them, while it's a much steeper uphill battle, is being able to discredit their defense of these mechanisms.
Not to mention the labyrinthine political understanding required to surgically attack these mechanisms may be beyond the average citizen, rather than giving them a single, simplified focal point of an enemy.
I agree.
Let's say that we actually manage to drain the swamp, and for the sake of this example, we prosecute 1000 high powered elitists, and 500 of them are sems. It would be a great opportunity to make a case to Westernkind that perhaps there is a concerted effort by this specific demographic to undermine our authority. The problem I see is that, if this country is still hyper-individualistic, they will have a very hard time digesting that another demographic of people has been working against us systematically and cohesively. This is one major reason why we need an identitarian movement in the West. We need our people to remember how ethnic group strategies work if we are to convince them of the validity of what we have surmised to be the true threat.
It's a bitch of a catch 22
To keep trudging forward in both directions as we basically have been seems to be the only answer. I do see progress.
Disgenics can work in our favor. Hopefully the degens will stop breeding and purge themselves from our society, leaving the worthy to pick the torch back up where we left it.
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