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2018-01-15 03:18:57 UTC

That last one

2018-01-15 03:19:30 UTC

if anything the last thing id do when I see an "offensive" shirt referring to primates, is to chimp out and prove them right

2018-01-15 03:20:17 UTC

I am just here to make sure people are infromed.

2018-01-15 03:24:46 UTC

When dispensing red pills, you dont want an overdose. Causes a hostile reaction

2018-01-15 03:34:27 UTC

isnt monkey a bit dated though like calling an Italian a guinea

2018-01-15 04:55:27 UTC


2018-01-15 06:23:28 UTC

pound the pavement

2018-01-15 19:30:42 UTC

How long you reckon before tim regrets making a channel

2018-01-15 19:30:59 UTC

Pretty much all the content creators I seen regret making them

2018-01-15 19:51:43 UTC

๐Ÿค” who?

2018-01-15 21:18:50 UTC


2018-01-15 21:38:40 UTC

Tim's new video is up.

2018-01-15 23:11:20 UTC

Oh, boy... The Gender wage gap. I feel like there needs to be a real study about the wage gap just so we can end this myth already

2018-01-15 23:13:00 UTC

From what I've read, there have already been real studies disproving it, but the people pushing the gender wage gap completely ignore them

2018-01-15 23:18:30 UTC

That's typical. I know the wage gap was created from the CDC study of the average pay of genders but even in that study itself it says it's not about discrimination, only about the life choices both genders make.

2018-01-15 23:21:28 UTC

Yeah, the wage gap has been debunked over and over, they're just ignoring it.

2018-01-15 23:21:42 UTC

Maybe they can't maths.

2018-01-15 23:22:47 UTC

or actually read the study themselves...

2018-01-15 23:24:14 UTC

No, they've read the studies. They just discount the findings by saying that the authors are sexist/racist/etc. and their study was biased from the start.


2018-01-15 23:37:21 UTC

Maybe we need a separate channel for so-called "conspiracy" theories?

2018-01-15 23:38:13 UTC

kek I would be down for that haha

2018-01-15 23:38:26 UTC

nvm we have the shitposting tab

2018-01-15 23:38:53 UTC

Eh, I feel like this deserves its own channel instead of just being lumped in with general shitposting

2018-01-15 23:39:13 UTC

Otherwise, possibly relevant information could be lost in the general flood

2018-01-16 01:36:40 UTC

hmmm... I have a feeling 2018's major feminist topic is removing the due processes in the legal system. They've done it in universities so I'd only imagine their aiming for a larger target now.

inb4 you're a misogynist for wanting a fair trial in court.

2018-01-16 04:47:17 UTC

college judgement was always really not-formally-legal

2018-01-16 04:47:27 UTC

mock justice

2018-01-16 06:31:56 UTC

Tim please

2018-01-16 06:32:11 UTC

you know the 31 genders thing is literally just virtue signalling

2018-01-16 06:32:26 UTC

they don't take it seriously when playing the wage gap card

2018-01-16 06:50:34 UTC

The way I see it all the people with new โ€œgendersโ€ are either mentally ill, making them up to play the victim card, or both. Since victimhood is so profitable now it doesnโ€™t surprise me that people would try gaming the system to acquire victim status.

2018-01-16 07:24:26 UTC

Learned helplessness I think its called

2018-01-16 07:27:01 UTC

I think thatโ€™s more of a depression thing.

2018-01-16 08:10:44 UTC

it's literally rp

2018-01-16 08:11:06 UTC

taking it serious is a mental illness

2018-01-16 08:14:55 UTC


2018-01-16 08:26:27 UTC

playing devil's advocate, wouldn't it be applied because for sure at least 49% of the population has an 'issue' with lower wages

2018-01-16 08:27:07 UTC

vs the folks who are probably represented in < 1% of the population

2018-01-16 08:28:11 UTC

IRL I don't know why it isn't being treated as a mental illness

2018-01-16 08:28:34 UTC

I guess maybe sometimes the psychological ball rolls into corners where things get normalized

2018-01-16 08:28:34 UTC

progressives won't make that argument because they would seem disrespectful of the struggles of being trans

2018-01-16 08:28:47 UTC

Yeah I'm not a fuckin' progressive

2018-01-16 08:29:05 UTC

but I would justify it that way were I in their shoes

2018-01-16 08:29:42 UTC

that or equality of outcome for all genders

2018-01-16 08:29:44 UTC

being trans isnt a mental illness, taking gender seriously over actually becoming successful is

2018-01-16 08:30:23 UTC

we only really see the (usually extreme) trans activists in the media

2018-01-16 08:31:12 UTC

Gender dysphoria isn't a mental illness?

2018-01-16 08:36:24 UTC

Thinking youโ€™re in the wrong body and wanting to lop off your genitals seems pretty mental illness-y to me.

2018-01-16 08:36:35 UTC


2018-01-16 08:38:26 UTC

not all trans people experience gender dysphoria

2018-01-16 08:38:39 UTC

and even then, actually taking it seriously is the problem

2018-01-16 08:38:46 UTC

like otherkins

2018-01-16 08:39:24 UTC

If you mean that some people only claim to be trans because it's gives you social 'credit' with the left, then I would agree, probably.

2018-01-16 08:40:58 UTC

obviously people are going to gain the system and do everything they can do gain social power

2018-01-16 08:41:10 UTC


2018-01-16 08:42:19 UTC

but it's fairly easy to tell if they are being dishonest or willfully ignorant, which IMO most of the trans progressive activists are

2018-01-16 08:43:14 UTC

Such as when they deny that *biological* sex is even a thing, like that one college professor (I think he was?) up in Canada, when he was debating Jordan Peterson.

2018-01-16 08:43:25 UTC

particularly not citing anything credible when it comes to the association between gender expression and biological gender

2018-01-16 08:44:36 UTC

the most credible papers i've seen cited (if at all, most of the time it's just a shitty blog post) have little to 0 citations and/or aren't even in the psychology and sociology field

2018-01-16 08:49:59 UTC

social constructivists are ignorant of the most basic psychological observation that a lot of our behaviors are not formed socially, you can see this in animals that can walk right after being born, insects in general, the gag reflex, sneezing, shaking in the cold, all of our facial expressions being consistently tied to emotions across all cultures

2018-01-16 08:50:18 UTC

humans aren't special

2018-01-16 08:52:18 UTC

we would die if our brains were just a bundle of neurons with no biologically driven behaviors

2018-01-16 09:23:33 UTC

I've never seen anyone claiming biological sex is not a real thing

2018-01-16 09:23:34 UTC


2018-01-16 09:23:43 UTC

flat earth level shit

2018-01-16 09:38:08 UTC

so basically the argument relies on the assumption that someone that claims biological sex is real assumes they mean humans can only be male or female

2018-01-16 09:40:16 UTC

and because genetic defects that break the usual male/female classification exist (i don't think anyone denies this) that means the entire classification itself is flawed

2018-01-16 09:46:33 UTC

the article injects gender expression into that by 1. attacking the science that these people follow in an extremely condescending manner. 2. implying people that think genetics is a factor in society racist/sexist (by showing someone that believes africans are less intelligent by genetics)
3. emphasizing the complexity of biology and making the assumptions of the other side seem naive because they don't have the bigger picture (while not actually showing the bigger picture and relevant research)

2018-01-16 09:47:21 UTC

now here's what i think

2018-01-16 09:47:37 UTC

the classification of male/female is extremely useful regardless of the presence of edge cases

2018-01-16 09:51:20 UTC

there is an extremely high correlation between all of the factors involved, most obvious being that men produce more testosterone regardless of the culture which has many observable effects that we can actually measure by injecting people with testosterone, have penises, don't have boobs, have narrower hips, etc

2018-01-16 09:53:41 UTC

this might seem obvious to you all but not to the people that wrote that article

2018-01-16 09:57:18 UTC


2018-01-16 09:59:08 UTC

the only ones I give creedence to are the trans folks who have undergone hormone treatment and had surgery, and the hermaphodites

2018-01-16 09:59:39 UTC

I guess they really want the definition of gender to change

2018-01-16 10:18:10 UTC

technically speaking, science recognizes 5 different sexes, in terms of sexual dimorphic species. That said, not all sexually dimorphic species have all 5 normally, and all 5 are some combination of male or female.

2018-01-16 10:20:02 UTC

6 if you count a genetic condition where the person never really develops their sexual organs.

2018-01-16 18:01:37 UTC

geez just saw tims latest video. i have been saying for years gender doesn't exist and no one listens to me.

2018-01-16 18:01:45 UTC

thank @Timcast

2018-01-16 18:09:47 UTC

encourage that anyone can be any gender until gender is no longer a label they can since it will be the same as saying individual.

2018-01-16 18:10:34 UTC

Pretty much.

2018-01-16 18:13:24 UTC

i think male and female in mammals are only useful in so much as you produce sperm or eggs respectively.

2018-01-16 18:22:41 UTC

well that's not the only reason male and female is useful. There are plenty of reasons to have it. with seahorses, males do the parenting and are relied upon for their strength and defensive abilities. With Lions, males are required to protect a pride, they do the marking as females aren't born with the glands necessary to mark territory. With some troops of monkeys, males are needed to care for children while the females go and find food. even in Fish, Cichlid males are needed to create the volcanic looking structures that the females use to lay eggs in because they don't have the muscular build to make it for themselves. female turtles are the only ones that are strong enough to drag themselves to land to lay eggs, female crocks are designed to be able to guard their nests without food for two months or so without dying.

2018-01-16 18:22:42 UTC

but that is biological "gender" and thats transphobic /s

2018-01-16 18:23:37 UTC

believe it or not, male and female gender in mammals goes well beyond just for reproduction, evolution for a vast number of species has made it so that if one gender goes out, the other won't survive without it

2018-01-16 18:24:46 UTC

actually, everything you listed was JUST FOR reproduction.

2018-01-16 18:25:00 UTC

There is a reason that different medications affect men and women differently.

2018-01-16 18:25:23 UTC


2018-01-16 18:25:26 UTC

that said, its not just for giving birth. it includes getting the offspring to adulthood

2018-01-16 18:25:31 UTC

I doubt marking terriroty is reproductive lol

2018-01-16 18:26:03 UTC

whats the point of marking territory?

2018-01-16 18:26:24 UTC

to stake claim on food, water, shelter, saftey

2018-01-16 18:26:28 UTC

To create a territory that outside invaders will avoid so you can safely foster young.

2018-01-16 18:26:41 UTC


2018-01-16 18:27:50 UTC

its a secondary sex characteristic for scaring off other males, which will steal his girls and kill his young, and some predators.

2018-01-16 18:28:33 UTC

animals mark terrirotry outside fo breeding season

2018-01-16 18:28:35 UTC

everything related to sex genes is focused on biological advantages to that species reproducing.

2018-01-16 18:28:49 UTC

>steal his girls

2018-01-16 18:28:50 UTC

Of course, I would consider food, water, and shelter to also be a part of that purview. They're both equally important, as you cannot foster young without those, either.

2018-01-16 18:29:03 UTC

they mark it so that they have a food supply, a water supply in dry seasons and that they have a safe place to reside.

2018-01-16 18:29:27 UTC

food moves

2018-01-16 18:29:40 UTC

but it's where it stays during certain parts of the seasons

2018-01-16 18:29:53 UTC

as well as how much longer it moves within your territory

2018-01-16 18:30:06 UTC

Well, it does and does not. Animals typically follow around the same migration patterns. So while they do move, they also 'return', as it were.

2018-01-16 18:32:33 UTC

Not that it matters as I don't think the sjw's are exactly questioning if males and females exist or more accurately don't exist, in lions.

2018-01-16 18:32:52 UTC

ok humans

2018-01-16 18:33:03 UTC

it's the same thing

2018-01-16 18:33:19 UTC

when people look for a house, they look for the same things

2018-01-16 18:34:14 UTC

accessibility to transit, grocery stores, medical facilities, things like that

2018-01-16 18:35:08 UTC

some even go as far as to make sure they live near a police station

2018-01-16 18:35:19 UTC

this is even before they even consider having children

2018-01-16 18:35:51 UTC

not to mention they have criteria for the house they want in order to feel safe

2018-01-16 18:36:17 UTC

it has to have no faulty wiring, it has to be clean, it has to have a garage, or whatever they think is considered safe

2018-01-16 18:37:17 UTC

the male and female gender comes into play because males and females look at terriroty slightly differently but both in a beneficial way

2018-01-16 18:40:19 UTC

men look for a house with all of the above criteria but, they also look at it from an emergency standpoint, if something were to happen, how fast could I get here, how fast could I leave, and how far could I get from the danger. Women look at it with the same mindset of emergency, but in terms of help. How fast can help get to us, how fast could family get here if I need them, how long would it be before help came? both are beneficial and both are needed outlooks

2018-01-16 18:43:34 UTC

So it seems some are trying to form "New California" to break away from the rest of the state.

2018-01-16 18:48:57 UTC

Not sure if it'll go anywhere, but still interesting to watch.

2018-01-16 19:32:29 UTC

Sounds like it'll be a shitstorm. Can't wait

2018-01-16 19:42:22 UTC

Old Californian here. Soon to be looking for IT work in New California!

2018-01-16 19:43:39 UTC

I kinda skimmed through the article but wouldn't you want to move into New California because of less taxes?

2018-01-16 19:48:59 UTC

i plan on moving

2018-01-16 19:49:08 UTC

screw la if sd is in new california republic

2018-01-16 19:49:23 UTC

i want it to be the ncr so bad

2018-01-16 19:49:43 UTC

i mean california is the california republic so wouldn't new california be...

2018-01-16 20:06:18 UTC

oh I'd move in a heartbeat. I'm stuck in SF bay right now but would consider leaving IT to get out

2018-01-16 20:24:11 UTC

Yeah I posted about this earlier. Would take time to get used to but it would be good if it happens.

2018-01-16 20:25:12 UTC

New Cali might give use more electoral votes as well and take away from Californiaโ€™s.

2018-01-16 20:25:48 UTC

I'm all for that.

2018-01-16 20:26:13 UTC

i think most of the population is still in those coastal areas that will still be California, but still, a possibility

2018-01-16 20:26:35 UTC

It wouldnโ€™t change much but give us a boost.

2018-01-16 20:26:51 UTC

i just think its great how the rest of California, is fed up with California

2018-01-16 20:26:56 UTC

Maybe California won't be easy-mode for the democrats anymore.

2018-01-16 20:27:24 UTC

It would still be easy for them to win Cali.

2018-01-16 20:27:40 UTC

Easier actually.

2018-01-16 20:27:53 UTC

Yeah, but I mean they would have to work harder for more electoral votes if this happened.

2018-01-16 20:28:08 UTC


2018-01-16 20:29:46 UTC

If rural areas of dem states start breaking off it means we would have a lot less โ€œwastedโ€ votes.

2018-01-16 20:30:01 UTC

true true

2018-01-16 20:30:38 UTC

and maybe dems will finally see what repubs have been telling them. that they do not speak for the working man

2018-01-16 20:31:16 UTC

Knowing the Dems theyโ€™d double down.

2018-01-16 20:32:56 UTC

Many of them already speak against the electoral college as it is, yeah.

2018-01-16 20:33:47 UTC

cant wait to hear what their platform is for 2020

2018-01-16 20:34:47 UTC

โ€œTrump is racist reeeโ€

2018-01-16 20:35:02 UTC

I almost hope it'll be Oprah 2020.

2018-01-16 20:35:05 UTC

"lets undo the last four years!"

2018-01-16 20:35:20 UTC

They wonโ€™t talk about policy just about how terrible they think the republicans are.

2018-01-16 20:35:42 UTC


2018-01-16 20:36:43 UTC

or just more hope/change, read; regulating feelings and bombings!

2018-01-16 20:38:03 UTC

its so weird to me that 1/3-1/2 of the political powers that be pander to obnoxious intellectuals on the internet

2018-01-16 20:38:48 UTC

a rather small number of individuals

2018-01-16 20:41:15 UTC

It's going to be empty identity politics boosted up to 11.

2018-01-16 20:41:21 UTC

intellectuals ?

2018-01-16 20:41:28 UTC

The coast will be solid blue

2018-01-16 20:41:42 UTC

I dont mean the term positively

2018-01-16 20:41:48 UTC

but New Cali would likely be a swing state

2018-01-16 20:43:19 UTC

more of those would mean a higher requisite charisma for both sides at least

2018-01-16 20:44:22 UTC

but im more for just freeing those poor hillbillies from sanctuary city control

2018-01-16 21:46:36 UTC

JBP had an interview with someone over his new book, quitte the listen:

2018-01-16 21:46:58 UTC

very combative interview, exiting tho

2018-01-17 01:32:20 UTC

๐Ÿค” not sure what the point of posting all of these is

2018-01-17 01:32:56 UTC

Look at the guy's name and icon

2018-01-17 01:33:05 UTC

He just wants to spam propaganda

2018-01-17 01:33:38 UTC

i mean i don't want to play the racist card just by the name and avatar

2018-01-17 01:33:44 UTC

Well, if they're actual stories and events, then it's not propaganda all that much.

2018-01-17 01:35:00 UTC

yeah but they are articles picked with his political filter, of which isn't helpful

2018-01-17 01:35:53 UTC

ah, okay

2018-01-17 01:36:27 UTC

Yeah, that's true.

2018-01-17 01:37:17 UTC

see <#398973785426100234> for a screenshot, he is only posting articles (from what looks like a racist or nationalist view)

2018-01-17 01:37:27 UTC

not constructive at all

2018-01-17 01:38:19 UTC

Again, with an agenda, sure, but that doesn't mean these things aren't happening.

2018-01-17 01:39:41 UTC

as the world grows even the most improbable events you can think of will happen and be reported in extreme detail

2018-01-17 01:40:30 UTC

it's constructive to analyze what causes these events but not just blindly using their existence as a justification for your politics

2018-01-17 01:44:17 UTC

You don't know my mind or what I am thinking. Having said that, I'm not "blindly using their existence" to justify anything. I'm just saying it's easy to write off stuff as fake news simply because of the person bringing it forth.

2018-01-17 01:44:39 UTC

The most you can get from any story is a supposed list.of events that happened in a order. To which you should go find an article that counters the first. Any events that both sides reference, are ones that most likely happen

2018-01-17 01:44:58 UTC


2018-01-17 01:45:32 UTC

That's why I look at multiple sources for the same story.

2018-01-17 01:46:43 UTC

There is three sides to every story. The accuser, the accused, and the truth. The truth is rarely if ever on one side or the other

2018-01-17 01:47:15 UTC

i completely agree, i wasn't trying to argue with you

2018-01-17 01:47:48 UTC

Sorry, it just seemed that way. I guess I confused a general "you" for a specific "you."
If that makes any sense. lol

2018-01-17 01:48:04 UTC


2018-01-17 01:48:21 UTC

I don't often make that mistake, but I guess it happens.

2018-01-17 01:51:09 UTC

YOU ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

2018-01-17 01:52:17 UTC


2018-01-17 01:54:47 UTC


2018-01-17 03:58:52 UTC


2018-01-17 03:58:53 UTC

he comes

2018-01-17 03:59:05 UTC


2018-01-17 03:59:05 UTC

Eh, still better than Cthulu

2018-01-17 03:59:12 UTC

haven't heard that name in years

2018-01-17 04:02:36 UTC

why does roaming millennial shill for gold and then ask for patreon

2018-01-17 04:03:41 UTC

I like her videos, but it reminds me of lindybeige or demolition ranch

2018-01-17 04:04:03 UTC

talk about buying gold for a minute

2018-01-17 04:07:28 UTC

I guess I'll donate to stop the gold shill

2018-01-17 04:25:07 UTC

VPN's now too

2018-01-17 04:25:15 UTC

better than gold since it actually has some use

2018-01-17 04:25:17 UTC


2018-01-17 04:25:33 UTC

gotta eat my words because I love tim too much

2018-01-17 06:11:47 UTC

Hello @everyone how are y'all?

2018-01-17 06:12:07 UTC

@MsNatSocialist I'm doing pretty well

2018-01-17 06:12:40 UTC

I'm pretty good @Adrien Arcand

2018-01-17 06:12:52 UTC

But I really want to know what you're doing @here

2018-01-17 06:13:23 UTC

@MsNatSocialist I just wanna talk to @Timcast but he's not online

2018-01-17 06:14:57 UTC

@MsNatSocialist so these Jews, hey?

2018-01-17 06:15:12 UTC

Yeah, kikes... not fun

2018-01-17 06:15:28 UTC

Greedy bastards.

2018-01-17 06:15:49 UTC

Aye, settle down goy

2018-01-17 06:48:46 UTC

Tims away last I heard.

2018-01-17 06:49:02 UTC

Not sure when he will be back. Or if he is

2018-01-17 06:50:21 UTC

Beanie Bros

2018-01-17 11:25:07 UTC

beanies are all we have

2018-01-17 11:25:13 UTC

and hope, I suppose.

2018-01-17 13:22:25 UTC

Ugh, I hope this dosent end up with Tim going something like, whaddup beanies

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