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2018-04-14 16:10:50 UTC
2018-04-14 16:27:19 UTC

I just really hope this doesn't become an annual event

2018-04-14 17:51:42 UTC

You should have all listen to me when I said Democracy had failed

2018-04-14 17:52:49 UTC

right. because an autocratic government is so much better

2018-04-14 17:53:36 UTC

it's not like that shit fell flat on its face in WWI and hasn't stopped being BTFO'd since

2018-04-14 17:58:37 UTC

>Implying the medievals were like that lmao

2018-04-14 17:58:54 UTC

what was the 30 years war?

2018-04-14 17:59:16 UTC

the people in medieval times also didn't have to deal with nuclear weapons

2018-04-14 17:59:54 UTC

A war between catholics and prots which later devolved into a war of succession

2018-04-14 18:00:51 UTC

The founding fathers didn't have AR-15 as well but I that is irrelevant

2018-04-14 18:01:43 UTC

it's not really irrelevant. AR-15s don't give you the ability to eliminate life on the planet

2018-04-14 18:02:14 UTC

the system of monarchies was probably the best system for its time.

2018-04-14 18:02:19 UTC

but times change

2018-04-14 18:02:36 UTC

Democracy isn't the opposite of autocracy, it's often the path to it

2018-04-14 18:02:49 UTC

Times have changed for the worse

2018-04-14 18:03:15 UTC

what makes you say that?

2018-04-14 18:04:36 UTC

The divorce rates, the boom and bust cycle, moral relativism, high time preference

2018-04-14 18:05:31 UTC

And if I remember there is a country that has a mix of democracy and monarchism to this day

2018-04-14 18:05:55 UTC


2018-04-14 18:06:00 UTC

yeah. it's called a constitutional monarchy

2018-04-14 18:06:13 UTC

autocrats tend not to like constitutions

2018-04-14 18:06:40 UTC

Kings had laws before them, they were still subject to it

2018-04-14 18:07:23 UTC


2018-04-14 18:07:56 UTC

perhaps to a higher entity like the church, or to a more powerful kingdom, but not to their own people

2018-04-14 18:16:04 UTC

@Valet the Clown and all those things you mentioned are a product of post-modernism, not necessarily democracy.

2018-04-14 18:17:21 UTC

culture is up stream of politics, my dude.

2018-04-14 18:24:20 UTC

@Dinosorcerer The salic law

2018-04-14 18:28:51 UTC

ah. yes, the defining negative trait of monarchies

2018-04-14 18:28:56 UTC


2018-04-14 18:29:50 UTC

proof positive that you can only reliably count on autocrats to provide for two things: their own status and the status of their children

2018-04-14 18:31:12 UTC

also Frankish succession worked much differently than the way we think of it today and led to extended infighting amongst a king's sons whenever he died

2018-04-14 18:31:35 UTC

Charlemagne attempted to remedy this, but was unsuccessful

2018-04-14 18:37:10 UTC

@Oliver Starley has Russia done anything in response yet like they said they would?

2018-04-14 18:42:13 UTC

Monarchies in the middle ages were not autocrats, kings were usually recognized authorities, and I rather have a very controled succession with future minded people instead of demagogues. And it is the modern not post modern when all of this happened

2018-04-14 18:45:01 UTC

@H8KU of course not. They'd be nuts to retaliate

2018-04-14 18:48:10 UTC

@Valet the Clown not in the case of the Franks they weren't. Charlemagne made his son, Louis the pious swear not to kill, maim, or exile his brothers (and rivals to the throne) Louis did all three after Charlemagne's death. frankish successions were notoriously bloody affairs

2018-04-14 18:49:16 UTC

Yeah, and later with the Capets it became more civil

2018-04-14 18:50:11 UTC

not much more civil.

2018-04-14 18:50:29 UTC

Although let's face it monarchy and democracy do not bring total peace

2018-04-14 18:50:47 UTC

that's not what the argument's about

2018-04-14 18:51:04 UTC

the argument is what is the more successful sociopolitical system

2018-04-14 18:54:36 UTC

also the Capets oversaw the hundred years war

2018-04-14 18:55:15 UTC

And that it's monarchy, democracy does not erasers the high middle and low class structure but it gives each the idea of being able to become a caretaker of the public goods, but since I cannot use the capital goods later I must loot as fast as possible. It also brings the problem of letting good men in office when all you need is promise free food, free everything to the masses.

2018-04-14 18:55:40 UTC

I thought those were the Valois

2018-04-14 18:55:54 UTC

the valois came after

2018-04-14 18:56:00 UTC

they were a cadet branch

2018-04-14 18:56:56 UTC

I'm pretty sure Philip VI was a Valois

2018-04-14 18:57:52 UTC

yeah. he came to power after the dissolution of the Capets in the 1320s

2018-04-14 18:58:39 UTC

the Capets managed to set the stage for their long conflict with England

2018-04-14 18:58:55 UTC

which had its roots in events long before the hundred years war

2018-04-14 19:00:21 UTC


2018-04-16 22:03:11 UTC

Ok but how is this a white pill? I'm hangry and I need happy shit.

2018-04-16 22:10:31 UTC


2018-04-16 22:11:15 UTC

Should be when I know

2018-04-16 23:45:37 UTC

Finally, some sanity in Sweden

2018-04-16 23:45:44 UTC


2018-04-17 00:45:41 UTC

Utah won't the Mormons are cucked. I asked the Mormon missionaries that I invite in for drinks (I make Rhode Island Ice tea and they have water) if the knew that Brigham Young had decreed that non-whites weren't allowed in the church. These nigga's haven't hear of this before. Both weren't white.... I am not hating on non-whites but the meme of the Mormon church being this awesome pillar of American Values is horseshit. They do have a boat load of children though :/

2018-04-17 00:58:12 UTC

I do like Mormon people though

2018-04-17 00:58:15 UTC

nice folks

2018-04-17 01:33:57 UTC

they made nice guns. Browning was a mormon

2018-04-17 01:46:50 UTC

yep he wouldn't have been born if it weren't for polygamy

2018-04-17 01:47:01 UTC

the best gun autist ever

2018-04-17 01:48:13 UTC

from what I understand, a lot of mormons don't talk about Brigham Young anymore and don't hold many (if any) of his views. so it's not surprising that those mormons you talked to wouldn't know about him.

2018-04-17 01:48:43 UTC


2018-04-17 01:48:52 UTC

he should talk about him :?

2018-04-17 01:49:27 UTC

well the problem is that the mormons want to distance themselves from the whole polygamy thing and he was very big on that

2018-04-17 01:49:53 UTC

I'm not saying it isn't retarded

2018-04-17 01:49:53 UTC

he was a cool American, but I am one of those bigots who take history for people just being people

2018-04-17 01:50:08 UTC

they shouldn't

2018-04-17 01:50:44 UTC

any conquering ideology has used polygamy as a weapon

2018-04-17 01:51:07 UTC

historically speaking

2018-04-17 01:51:32 UTC

weather passively or aggressively

2018-04-17 01:53:48 UTC

Polygamy is going to have it's day in the west one way or another it is inevitable. The only question is what form it will take.

2018-04-17 01:58:54 UTC

There are three paths. "mormon" style. muslim style, or rainbow haired she twink style.

2018-04-17 01:59:10 UTC

Thought hard on this for a while.

2018-04-17 02:09:12 UTC

I agree, however I will say no more. I am too drunk to respond coherently

2018-04-17 02:09:40 UTC

obviously not a Mormon

2018-04-17 02:09:55 UTC

I am a Catholic

2018-04-17 10:53:24 UTC

well the mormons make lots of whites

2018-04-17 10:54:12 UTC

thatโ€™s a big supply of people to redpill

2018-04-17 10:54:18 UTC

am i wrong?

2018-04-17 10:54:37 UTC

let them do their thing

2018-04-17 10:56:16 UTC

although technically you can redpill anyone of any race

2018-04-17 10:56:49 UTC

we can convince these mormons having 5 kids that they are cucked and should be having 12 kids instead

2018-04-17 10:58:09 UTC

Yes Utah will become an economic powerhouse, but it will come at the price of major poz

2018-04-17 10:58:29 UTC

just visit SLC or any BYU campus to see what I mean

2018-04-17 10:58:57 UTC

It will just be another California

2018-04-17 10:59:04 UTC

it almost already is

2018-04-17 11:00:16 UTC

If you want to make shekels, invest in Utah, sure

2018-04-17 11:00:54 UTC

if you want to invest in the hwhite race, go to idaho, montana, wyoming, etc

2018-04-17 11:01:34 UTC

and stay away from cities over 200k population

2018-04-27 18:21:22 UTC

See, I told you more white pills were coming

2018-04-27 18:21:27 UTC

Good for Trump

2018-05-22 01:19:34 UTC
2018-06-26 14:28:00 UTC


2018-06-27 20:34:37 UTC

@Ellen Ripley I'd be willing to bet none of those sites are really alt-right. At this point it's a catch-all term for "not leftist propaganda and lies," and it's hard to say but most of those kids are going to rebel when the adults try to re-educate them.

2018-06-27 20:37:52 UTC

Even if it's just something as tame as the daily wire, it's better than leftist crap

2018-07-07 03:12:41 UTC


2018-07-07 03:14:06 UTC


2018-07-07 03:14:25 UTC

Submit to New Rome y'all

2018-07-07 03:16:38 UTC

This isn't enough to make me Catholic but it's still nice to see

2018-07-09 16:41:35 UTC

read that

2018-07-09 16:41:54 UTC

why do you think they want to open borders and abolish ICE?

2018-07-09 16:42:27 UTC

They need a new slave class to rule over. Us coloreds aren't doing it for them anymore

2018-07-09 16:44:58 UTC


2018-07-09 16:45:36 UTC

Well, they're still going to import coloreds, just not you guys

2018-07-09 16:45:48 UTC

Turns out I was right in my article. As the Dems become more anti-white, more whites will flee to the GOP.

2018-07-09 16:45:59 UTC

It makes sense

2018-07-09 16:46:17 UTC

No one likes being told they're a piece of shit.

2018-07-09 16:46:22 UTC

It's more easier to import slaves from across the border than wasting resources on importing them from Africa

2018-07-09 16:46:30 UTC

True enough

2018-07-09 16:46:37 UTC

the question is whether there will be enough import voters to fill the leaving ones

2018-07-09 16:46:52 UTC

that explains the border fight

2018-07-09 16:47:04 UTC

Not unless the dems try something drastic

2018-07-09 16:47:41 UTC

"White people are evil! You are responsible for all the world's problems, and you must pay!"

2018-07-09 16:47:46 UTC

Which is good for the republicans, because the dems usually fuck up when they overplay their hand. See the 2016 election

2018-07-09 16:48:07 UTC

Later... "Why are white people voting against their best interests?"

2018-07-09 16:48:26 UTC

2016 will turn out to be more important that people thought at first

2018-07-09 16:48:46 UTC

If 2016 was a replay of the 1968 election, maybe 2020 will be a replay of the 1972 election.

2018-07-09 16:49:13 UTC

i am not that optimistic

2018-07-09 16:49:24 UTC

2020 will be a repeat of '16

2018-07-09 16:49:31 UTC

rust belt decides

2018-07-09 16:49:56 UTC

I don't think the Rust Belt will go for Kamala Harris.

2018-07-09 16:50:00 UTC

This is a good losing strategy for dems because more whites will vote republican and in turn, hopefully more pro MAGA candidates will be elected then we can have the wall, then we can deport.

2018-07-09 16:50:20 UTC

that's assuming Biden doesn't get the ticket @Thomas O'Malley

2018-07-09 16:50:52 UTC

Operation wetback faltered in later years because there was nothing stopping illegals from coming back across. A wall will put an end to that

2018-07-09 16:51:02 UTC

Biden won't get the ticket. He's an old white male, plus there's all that footage of him feeling up little girls.

2018-07-09 16:51:13 UTC

well Hillary got it

2018-07-09 16:51:25 UTC

so i think Biden will

2018-07-09 16:51:29 UTC

But that's because she was a woman

2018-07-09 16:51:39 UTC

the leftist democrats are too divided atm

2018-07-09 16:51:48 UTC

"One of my merits is I'm a woman" -Hillary Clinton

2018-07-09 16:54:00 UTC

Identity politics will devour them because they can choose a black man, but he's not gay, so they can choose a black lesbian woman but she speaks English, so they'll choose a Hispanic bilingual lesbian but she's catholic, so they'll choose a Muslim bilingual lesbian but she's not disabled...

2018-07-09 16:54:04 UTC

It keeps going

2018-07-09 16:54:34 UTC


2018-07-09 16:54:50 UTC

only thing gluing the democrats together us Trump

2018-07-09 16:55:06 UTC

I think in the future a Black or Hispanic leftist will feel that the Democrats aren't doing enough for their race, run as an independent, and take a big chunk of the vote.

2018-07-09 16:55:07 UTC

once his terms are done they will eat themmselves

2018-07-09 16:55:25 UTC

@Thomas O'Malley i am praying for that every day

2018-07-09 16:57:10 UTC

Nonwhites, especially blacks, are constantly saying that the Democrats are too white and take them for granted. Mark my words, one day a Black or Hispanic politician will break off from the party and run exclusively on benefiting their race.

2018-07-09 16:57:43 UTC

that will be after '20

2018-07-09 16:58:19 UTC

But who will be good for 2024?

2018-07-09 16:58:25 UTC

What if Kanye runs for president as a Republican? How many blacks will vote for him?

2018-07-09 16:58:40 UTC

i would like to know what Jimmy Carter is feeling right now because he has had the front row seats to the destruction of the Democrat party

2018-07-09 16:58:53 UTC

He's a "coon", only boomer blacks will vote for him

2018-07-09 16:59:07 UTC

Jimmy Carter was a bad president, but a good person.

2018-07-09 17:00:15 UTC

He fucked up majorly with Iran though. We should have taken in the shah and his family or at least got them to safety in an allied country

2018-07-09 17:00:33 UTC

Kanye isn't popular with young Black Americans?

2018-07-09 17:01:32 UTC

Well even if only boomer blacks vote for him, it will still be a big enough number to seriously hurt the Dems.

2018-07-09 17:02:19 UTC

You didn't see all the Wokites saying he was in the sunken place?

2018-07-09 17:02:37 UTC

Meanwhile they're still stuck in the cave looking at the shadows being projected by the MSM

2018-07-09 17:03:20 UTC

Yeah but that's just one subgroup. I don't know how big it is.

2018-07-09 17:03:57 UTC

But you are Black, so you probably have a better understanding of Black America than I do.

2018-07-09 17:04:10 UTC

dude. that "sunken place" meme is the most ironic shit I've seen in a while. something meant to criticize black people being put into a servile, controlled mental state being used to ridicule people like Kanye when they dare to go against the grain.

2018-07-09 17:05:01 UTC

how do the people that accuse him of being in "the sunken place" when he goes off the reservation not see the irony?

2018-07-09 17:07:30 UTC

I seriously just want the MSM to implode so they can stop leading us around by our noses. They never report on any progress being made amongst black Americans.

2018-07-09 17:07:53 UTC

of course not. it would be harmful to the narrative

2018-07-09 17:08:40 UTC

and the narrative itself has superseded any good that could theoretically be done by using it

2018-07-09 17:08:46 UTC

When Trump chooses his new pick, I really hope that is the catalyst for repealing Roe V Wade. Too many of us murdered before we even had a chance to breathe life. Maybe that will get us to start being more responsible

2018-07-09 17:09:14 UTC

So long as race hustling is profitable, people like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton will make a living through it.

2018-07-09 17:10:21 UTC

All of those ancient descriptions of black people are too true. We do dance too much, we're irresponsible, and we drink and get into frivolities too much. No wonder we were enslaved so frequently, especially by our own

2018-07-09 17:10:57 UTC

@Oliver Starley i think that repealing roe v wade is unlikely as the SCOTUS respects precedence

2018-07-09 17:11:06 UTC

you'd have to make a new case

2018-07-09 17:11:12 UTC

to amend it

2018-07-09 17:11:54 UTC

@Oliver Starley Its a huge tragedy.

2018-07-09 17:11:57 UTC

Fuck, if they can repeal the gay "marriage" ruling, heads will explode everywhere

2018-07-09 17:12:55 UTC

If abortion and/or gay marriage is repealed, that will just fire up the Left and we'll lose the next election(s).

2018-07-09 17:13:36 UTC

As much as I'm against SSM, its so nice not to hear them constantly pushing for it anymore.

2018-07-09 17:13:46 UTC

We can't keep capitulating to them for much longer. InB4 muh based pedos

2018-07-09 17:14:30 UTC

you know what's ironic? EU bithcing about tariffs and having massive tariffs itself

2018-07-09 17:14:56 UTC

when somebody doesn't capitulate and returns the favor heads explode

2018-07-09 17:15:17 UTC

We should stand our ground and not give them anymore territory, but winning back lost victories in the culture war will take time.

2018-07-09 17:15:49 UTC

The Left first changed peoples' minds, then legalized gay marriage. That's what we have to do, but in reverse.

2018-07-09 17:15:59 UTC

"US will suffer more from trade war" I am sorry but that is just PURE PROPAGANDA. When you look at the US national accounts you see that China and EU export way more to the US than they import

2018-07-09 17:16:37 UTC

losing trade wars with hundreds of billions of trade deficit is quite difficult

2018-07-09 17:16:57 UTC

not to mention that small offenders are exempted

2018-07-09 17:17:36 UTC

you don't have to go to Harvard to see that PRC will have a sore asshole if they decide to play the trade barrier game

2018-07-09 17:18:32 UTC

Studying business myself i hate to see that it's frequently used to justify the globalist position

2018-07-09 17:18:56 UTC

free trade it good but no-one ever mentions the asterisks

2018-07-09 17:19:26 UTC

if someone cheats the comparative advantage falls apart

2018-07-09 17:19:48 UTC

China has been ripping of the US for decades. I hope Trump puts a stop to it.

2018-07-09 17:20:00 UTC

looks promising right now

2018-07-09 17:20:50 UTC

China has two bad options: 1. lose face because you will not increase the tariffs to US levels or 2. get dragged in a contest you cannot win

2018-07-09 17:21:01 UTC

also FED and WTO need to be killed

2018-07-09 17:21:23 UTC

otherwise we will have another derivative bubble

2018-07-09 17:21:46 UTC

and the amount of debt leverage means that when it happens the results are ugly

2018-07-09 17:22:01 UTC

think of the Euro debt crisis but worse

2018-07-09 17:23:11 UTC

many states are completely dependent on credit and if something impedes that supply chain the public sector cannot finance itself which means that the state closes down

2018-07-09 17:23:24 UTC

after that it's a massive free-for-all

2018-07-09 17:23:33 UTC

Once we switch to shale oil production, the Saudis, China, and Europe will lose. That's why they're trying to bring in as many migrants as possible, to keep the boat going for as long as it can before it runs out of coal, then they'll start hacking it apart and throwing anything that can burn into the firebox

2018-07-09 17:24:17 UTC

All the economists understand that but many at the same time doublethink that the current neoclassical system is stable and working

2018-07-09 17:25:45 UTC

the financial sector needs to be more regulated, in a way which restricts the issuing of credit and financial instruments not a Sarbanes-Oxley which will create a heap of paperwork

2018-07-13 23:25:02 UTC

My parents actually know two of the signers, Chris Ferrara and John Rao.

2018-07-16 02:32:50 UTC


2018-07-16 02:33:27 UTC

im sure i speak for everyone when i say im shocked

2018-07-16 02:34:37 UTC

based moroccan man in a maga hat.... immigrants doing the jobs whyte ppl wont do

2018-07-16 15:04:18 UTC

we lord of war meow


2018-07-16 15:10:23 UTC


2018-07-16 15:33:16 UTC

DEFCAD may have stopped releasing for a while, but FOSSCAD never stopped adding to its megapack, there was no one to sue, it's not a corporation.

2018-07-16 15:34:21 UTC

I remember when I nagged FP into doing the fruity ghost, I'm kind of sad I haven't seen him back at fosscad.

2018-07-16 15:35:15 UTC

People have printed the Shuty in PEEK, now I want to see the Shuty cast from resin.

2018-07-16 15:35:40 UTC

(It's funny, the Shuty worked in PLA, which is normally the material you NEVER use in 3D printed guns.)

2018-07-16 15:37:02 UTC

Hands down the best hotend in the world was invented by a fosscader, it can print anything from wax to PEEK. (Very few printers are available that print in PEEK, and the garcad does it very well, for cheaper than any of them.)

2018-07-16 16:05:47 UTC

that kinda wierd peek printing was comman place even my school had one

2018-07-16 16:06:00 UTC

we used to dick around and make models and shit on it

2018-07-16 16:06:39 UTC

but we also had a production grade cnc mill so i guess just blessed?

2018-07-16 16:07:02 UTC

You had a 3D printer capable of printing Polyether ether ketone?

2018-07-16 16:07:08 UTC


2018-07-16 16:07:24 UTC

That would cost a pretty penny.

2018-07-16 16:07:35 UTC

lol it was a good area

2018-07-16 16:07:45 UTC

Where on earth was this?

2018-07-16 16:07:48 UTC

we also has a mult million dallor track

2018-07-16 16:07:59 UTC

so there that too

2018-07-16 16:08:23 UTC

it was a 8 5A school big bucks

2018-07-16 16:08:27 UTC

Did you go to a UAE public school or something?

2018-07-16 16:08:46 UTC

no lol this was in america just are tech department was rad

2018-07-16 16:09:04 UTC

Was this a private school?

2018-07-16 16:09:09 UTC


2018-07-16 16:09:19 UTC

like i said are school was big bucks

2018-07-16 16:09:29 UTC

Jesus, what state?

2018-07-16 16:09:33 UTC


2018-07-16 16:09:46 UTC

we take are tech programs really serously

2018-07-16 16:10:29 UTC

If everyone with only a gender studies degree evaporated, not much would happen.

2018-07-16 16:10:30 UTC

not every school had one btw i think we were one of few ones

2018-07-16 16:10:37 UTC

This is not true of chemical engineers.

2018-07-16 16:11:17 UTC

Was this a university?

2018-07-16 16:11:25 UTC

no lol

2018-07-16 16:11:37 UTC

just high school

2018-07-16 16:11:55 UTC

you should have seen pre 80's schools man in white areas

2018-07-16 16:11:56 UTC

A high school with a production grade CNC mill and PEEK-capable printer.

2018-07-16 16:12:05 UTC


2018-07-16 16:12:20 UTC

my dad has a full metal, wood and automotive shop in school

2018-07-16 16:12:43 UTC

they legit fix up muscle cars and got credits for it

2018-07-16 16:13:00 UTC

Have you ever banged or tapped PEEK?

2018-07-16 16:13:21 UTC

Shit is so absurdly stiff that it rings like metal.

2018-07-16 16:13:31 UTC

yes lol the funny thing is they when cheap cheap on drill presses

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