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@Mækø they used to use something similar back in ww1 i think it was

except using a shoe string iirc

but same effect, use the recoil to make it auto fire

so its not any kind of new idea

looks like it was ww2 not ww1

@Mækø been trying to google for more info, cant find anything much apart from the vegas stuff.... but iirc they used to use shoestrings to auto fire their semi autos, or at least played with the idea at the time

there is also a "belt loop bump fire"

no idea where that came from but its all off the original idea of using the guns own recoil to pump the trigger

adding to the now defunct chat on gender... its pretty fucking simple...


its no wonder she turned half dyke femnazi

or is she actually full dyke these days?

it depends.....

if you are using it for recreational use it is........

anything that is harmful to your health is fucking degenerate

@🎃☭CSSR☭🎃 why do you say fascist like its a pejorative?

not even close to one, sadly

this is why weed is degen... look what it does to people....

<@&350743715033120769>s why cant i talk in cucked?

there is non cucked in there

and stupid conversation that needs correcting

@stirocboy youre dumb as fuck tbh, actual nigger? that murder/suicide story only appeared in some dumb as fuck clickbate site, even /r/conspiracy debunked it instantly

if fucking reddit faggots on the conspiracy sub debunk it.. and your spreading it... you gotta take a good, hard, close look at your life and wonder WTF you are doin.....

im breathing just fine thanks

@casualgardener yea sorry, gender is biological

you are just talking about someones outwardly appearance

@AngryToastJoe yes, trannys suffer from gender dysphoria

its literally no different to someone in a mental asylum who things they can tlak to plants

your outwardly expression comes in part from your hormones

which is why usually they separate a lot more with puberty specially when in men testosterone peaks

which is why low t soy boys think they arent men, they are just weak men

what about the median jew wealth?

why should america even allow non whites?

whites generally vote differently to non whites which is why the left is so busy flooding non whites into the country

well, into every white country anyway

as for it making the rest of the country function better, well... no not really, its only whites that are keeping america afloat

its whites being forced into unwanted "diversity" because coloureds cant do shit on their own

so yes, whites will be MUCH better off in an ethnostate, everyone else worse off.... which is fine imo... if they dont wana live better thats their choice

if htey want to stay on welfare, commit crime and other shit let them, but stop forcing whites to have to endure it

@thot destroyer yea, nah thats bullshit. they just do it cheaper. those jobs wouldnt go away if muds stopped doing them

the globalists may just need to pay a living wage rather than fucking slave labour

@DaBears (Fritz_) also an anime faggot? story checks out...

dude, you got your arse handed to you, faggot. no high ground for you, none

u meme now, hush


>addicted to a cartoon image

truly fucking twisted

the reality... who do you think will win?

@deactivated. bullshit, its well known that the confessions they got at the nuremburg trials were coerced

again, bullshit. you cant beleive ANYTHING from nuremberg

its all been fabricated and since disproved

i dont care if what you specifically sent has been debunked, the nuremberg trials were proved to be fake propaganda bullshit

thus, nothing from them can be trusted

just because every specific little thing cant be disproved changes nothing

where did it come from then?

you are full of shit tbqh

and when asked, you why away because you know it

this forgery was introduced by the same vile filth, the jew bolshevics who slaughtered 100 million people

the same vile jews who invented the stories of shrunken heads, human skin lamp shades and soap made from dead jews.....

all fabricated to hide jew atrocities

please, learn some basic fucking history before talking shit about it

bolshevics were fucking kikes, nothing to do with christians

and im anti-theist by the way, i have no dog in the religion side of it

they werent........

hitler was christian. full stop

wow, do you have a brain injury?

anti theist means im anti religion, its poison

i am not atheist. i am anti theist

hitler never used christianity at all....

he didnt need to

whats your point? religion is just a fairytale, it has no relevance to anything

but he did beleive in christianity

he just wasnt "practising" iirc caus he was against organised religion and its stupidity

(my words, not his)

but ive never seen anything credible that would have shown he had any plans

@deactivated. why in the fuck would he be trying to shut down christianity... yet be well known for his support of other religions? does that make even the slightest sense to you?

wtf does bolshevism have to do with hitler? he was fucking agsinst it..... he fought a whole separate war against it on the fucking eastern front......

take your moronic conspiracy theory bullshit elsewhere

you are spreading bullshit, of course im offended

@deactivated. reading up about your stupid bolshevic book, its not even real.....

its not even hitlers words

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