(DM) Nathan AR & Adam TX

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Nathan AR @PF-706042
Nathan AR @PF-706042

Here's the telegram link to Murdoch Murdoch's book in case you're still interested. I highly recommend it.

Adam TX @PF-4366

herll yeah. Thanks man

Adam TX @PF-4366

Bro, I'm so excited for this event. You'll be there, right?

Nathan AR @PF-706042

Of course man. Wouldn't miss it for the world.

Nathan AR @PF-706042

@Cecil OK and I work together and we were both talking about how excited we were about it today. He's a bit more anxious about it than anything but that's to be expected.

Nathan AR @PF-706042

I hope we get a chance to see and talk to each other while we're there. I know it's gonna be a busy weekend.

Adam TX @PF-4366

Dude, I am so stressed about these shields. I've still got so much to do and unfortunately I'm the only one that can do it

Adam TX @PF-4366

it will be done though

Adam TX @PF-4366

mark my words. I'll do whatever it takes

Adam TX @PF-4366

What you saw at frontsgiving was only a third of what we have now. We'd have had them all done sooner, but it's been setback after setback. Equipment failure after failure. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel though

Adam TX @PF-4366

All of them are drilled out, bent to shape and cut. Only 5 more need paint. 20 need handles and something like 10 need the viewports punched out. It's just so much work dude. Its straight up driving me crazy

Nathan AR @PF-706042

Well you've done a hell of a good job on them so far. I'm a team leader for the vanguard and I'm certainly not worried about how the shields will hold up. I doubt we'll have to use them at all either but if SHTF I'm confident in the shields' ability to do what they're supposed to.

Nathan AR @PF-706042

I'd say handles and then holes are the most important things to get done. We've still got a few days. And I know you'll pull through brother. I'll be proud to take one of your shields into (figurative) battle this week.

Adam TX @PF-4366

Hell yeah! Anyway, I just figured out a plan to fix all problems and finish with time to spare. So I'm pumped! FUCKING PUMPED

Nathan AR @PF-706042


Adam TX @PF-4366

the plan is in action. We are in the green

Nathan AR @PF-706042

Hell yea

Adam TX @PF-4366

I'll even have time to make a bunch of arrow pins

Adam TX @PF-4366

I already made 8, but Thom wanted more

Nathan AR @PF-706042

Oh damn. Are there going to be multiple recipients of each pin color at this event or will these just be put away for later use?

Adam TX @PF-4366

I don't know, but it wouldn't surprise me

Adam TX @PF-4366

I bet you'll get one

Adam TX @PF-4366

I hope you do anyways

Adam TX @PF-4366

I mean off the top of my head I'd think you were a top contender, for sure.

Nathan AR @PF-706042

Thanks bro. Idk if I will but I'm not too worried about it. Doing activism with the homies is honestly rewarding enough for me at this point.

Adam TX @PF-4366

yeah, I feel that. Honestly I'm just glad to be here, to be a part of history. That's reward enough

Nathan AR @PF-706042

Damn really? Surely there's some other poor sap who's more qualified I'd imagine.

Adam TX @PF-4366

our descendants will sing songs of us one day

Nathan AR @PF-706042

They certainly will. My great grandchildren will know my name for sure. Of that I can promise.

Adam TX @PF-4366

I'd think so, I mean you show up to practically everything no matter the distance and you're doing activism all the time. Def more than most

Nathan AR @PF-706042

Maybe. But like I said. I really enjoy doing this stuff. It puts some pep in my step and keeps me going. I feel I have to always do something about what's going on and if I didn't have PF I'd be doing all this same stuff, just alone and at more risk to myself.

Adam TX @PF-4366

Hell yeah man. It's honestly reward enough just to be here, that's for sure. But regardless I bet you'll get one. I mean idk, I'm not in charge of the process at all and it's as much a surprise to me as anyone else

Adam TX @PF-4366


Adam TX @PF-4366

you'll get one

Adam TX @PF-4366

if not this time then some other time

Nathan AR @PF-706042

Yea I'm sure I will. But it's not too priority in my mind. I just wanna see the revolution progress and our people reawaken. If I can speed that process along by having the time of my life with the boys then so be it lol

Adam TX @PF-4366

I feel it. Main priority will always be the brothers beside me

Nathan AR @PF-706042

Btw, I'm sure you've figured out by now that hunting on my place this month is probably not gonna happen this year 😂

Adam TX @PF-4366
Missing attachment: Clipboard - November 29, 2021 7:55 PM
Adam TX @PF-4366

Yeah, probably not. Too busy anyways tbh

Adam TX @PF-4366

Idk why the top line is gray and not white, Patrick is painting them.

Adam TX @PF-4366

I'll take off the overspray in the morning, but regardless these look great

Adam TX @PF-4366

love the design

Nathan AR @PF-706042

I wonder if they could somehow color code the top line of the Chevron to indicate which team/section each shield belongs to kinda like what we did with the old shields.

Nathan AR @PF-706042

It'd probably be unnecessary but something to think about

Adam TX @PF-4366

Maybe something on the inside of the shield

Adam TX @PF-4366

could do it

Adam TX @PF-4366

are you vanguard or rear guard?

Nathan AR @PF-706042

I'm talking about on the face of the shield so that group identification could be established in a pinch.

Nathan AR @PF-706042

I'm vanguard. Team lead

Adam TX @PF-4366

hell yeah

Adam TX @PF-4366

I'm with Paul in vanguard

Nathan AR @PF-706042

Yeah I know. I'm in the shield team leadership chat. It's a little wonky bc we're still trying to fill the last of the ranks with solid dudes but I'm sure it'll be fine as long as we all drill some more before the actual demo.

Adam TX @PF-4366

Who's got Robert NJ?

Adam TX @PF-4366

I dont imagine he has much of a choice

Nathan AR @PF-706042

He will not be on a shield team this time

Adam TX @PF-4366

no way!

Nathan AR @PF-706042

Despite the overwhelmingly popular meme we have about rough Robert, he is actually a pretty passive and shy guy. He had a hard time in Philly and I don't believe he'll be volunteering for shields again anytime soon.

Adam TX @PF-4366


Adam TX @PF-4366

dude, he was throwing romans

Adam TX @PF-4366

I saw it at the campgrounds

Nathan AR @PF-706042

Yea dude I was standing right in front of him while he did it too hahaha

Nathan AR @PF-706042

I knew we weren't supposed to but then I thought to myself "I'd like to see anyone go up and try to make him stop"

Adam TX @PF-4366

when we were in europe we took a group photo of us doing romans in front of a PF flag in full uniform

Adam TX @PF-4366

whats funny is that everone besides me and 2 others in the photo went on to become network directors

Nathan AR @PF-706042

Well... Y'know... A little innocent fun never hurt anyone

Adam TX @PF-4366

So, here's the great part. I'm at a bar at like 2AM in poland with skinheads. We're all having a great time and drunk off our asses and I get a DM from Thomas

Adam TX @PF-4366

he wanted me to check in and tell him that nobody was drinking or being spergs or acting dumb.

Adam TX @PF-4366

you know what I responded with?

Adam TX @PF-4366

yeah, it was the photo

Nathan AR @PF-706042

Well... Y'know... A little innocent fun never hurt anyone

Nathan AR @PF-706042


Adam TX @PF-4366

Thomas gave us some dad speech about how disappointed he was and then we all felt bad. Was fun though. A memory for the ages

Adam TX @PF-4366

I'd totally be down to go back to europe now that we're well respected in the nationalist scene

Adam TX @PF-4366

back then were were small fry

Adam TX @PF-4366


Adam TX @PF-4366

Now we're like the top nationalists in the world. I'd say so for sure.

Adam TX @PF-4366

as far as bold action goes and our ability to look good while doing it, we may be #1 or 2. The only competition is ONR

Nathan AR @PF-706042

Dude I'd be so down to go with y'all. I'll do whatever it takes. But I gotta go with y'all!

Adam TX @PF-4366

ONR puts on the polish independence march each year so they're tough to beat

Adam TX @PF-4366

but yeah man, one day we all gotta go

Adam TX @PF-4366


Adam TX @PF-4366

we'd bring all the OG boys

Adam TX @PF-4366

we'd probably be way more professional this time though and we'd prob meet with like way high up dudes in these groups

Nathan AR @PF-706042

Yes ONR would be tough to beat as far as single rallys or demo's go. But as far as frequency and anti-ZOG activism I'd say we were miles ahead of them

Adam TX @PF-4366

We are no doubt some of the top dogs

Nathan AR @PF-706042

THE top dogs I'd say

Nathan AR @PF-706042

We've got some friendly competition in our brother and sister countries in Europe and the anglosphere to be sure. But we've really accomplished something here in the states. And we're only going up from here.

Adam TX @PF-4366

For sure. I know it's snobby but I'll look at nationalist groups in other countries and sneer at them. Like NRM is cool and all, I met alot of their dudes and they were all cool af, but why are they so reminiscing of boomers like the new jersey European heritage association

Adam TX @PF-4366

I've even met guys from New British Union. One of their leaders in fact, and all I hear is that what we have is better

Adam TX @PF-4366

NOBODY in the world is better than PF in terms of style though. That's like not even up for debate. Even the other groups would agree

Nathan AR @PF-706042

In a way we're doing them a great service by providing them a tried and true method of opsec and activism that could easily be applied to their countries as well.

Adam TX @PF-4366

ffs even the AWD freaks agree that we look good

Adam TX @PF-4366

lol they say we look too good

Nathan AR @PF-706042

I really like NRM. But they're WAY too loose and blatantly NatSoc in a way that would probably look disheartening to public onlookers. Which wouldn't be too bad if they weren't literally trying to take political power through public elections.

Nathan AR @PF-706042

Idk anything about what the AWD is up to nowadays. I just assume they're more or less dead on the political side of things. Too busy trying to literally stay alive amid all the machete attacks.

Adam TX @PF-4366

They act like 1.0 boomers.

Adam TX @PF-4366

they're dead, but the freaks like them on the internet is more or less what I'm reffering to

Adam TX @PF-4366

the architype of the awd member

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