Vincent TX

@PF-4354 RocketChat ID: NBdfiasKL46nyvAyX

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Just let me know

Jesse GA and Le LA have

Your team is now all nw7

Make sure you guys get together, make sure they are prepared

Missing attachment: December_Shields_11_22_updated3.png

@all Please review recent changes. Most notably:

- Erica_PA has filled his team
- Bill_MA and Victor_MA have been moved to @NQ - Henry MA screen team for better unit cohesion.
- Jesse GA and Leo LA have been added @ND - James TX to fill open spots left by ^
- Wayne FL added to @ND - James TX team to fill last spot.
- Austin NJ added to final spot on @Kyle MO team

Message them and make sure they have their equipment @ND - James TX

Let me double check

Austin will be moved to screens, thanks for bringing it to my attention

I believe Bill and Victor already ordered.

We can use theirs

Yeah my mistake, didn't mean anything by it, just a clerical error


Maybe in the future. Still working it into the uniform

I think Thomas wants to play around with the idea a little more

Confirm with Bill and Victor if they have ordered their shin guards asap please

Added to Ben MD team

Reminder he won't need shin pads!

I see that let me think

Will keep him on your team, he will get austin instead

He ordered gear already right?

Clerical error, we already had Mark on Jons team officially so you will get austin

Ok great. Ensure that he paints them and brings them. I’ll pay him for them

also, will absolutely need that jacket still

Large pls

@Norman MA @Ulysses FL You will need to switch to the web version of rocket chat from the app. Your photos will not upload correctly using the app.

Whatever is closest to our uniform. Darker i suppose


Regardless we are removing the app soon so you will need to get rid of it anyways.

Turetchi Developments

21720 Rolling Ridge Ln Laytonsville MD
4 Bedrooms, 4.5 Bathrooms, 6100 SQ FT

Antelope Hill Investment Package

Have you passed the fitness test?

Would you recommend Marcus NC for screen team? He is volunteering to be on shields.

Was he the one that was goofing off with patrick in NC

Cardio is the most important for this role in particular

I will put you in a backup pool we have, I still have to scout a few more guys. Thanks for volunteering.

Jason please condense that for me

UT ?/?
CO ?/?

I believe so. Some of my gear is being bought by others. It's all accounted for at least even if I am not bringing it myself.

That seems really high no?

Just going by what we saw at Mitchell. I just remember some kids goofing off when we first arrived. Young guys.

I am thinking of putting Marcus in a backup pool anyways

Ah ok, thanks for clearing that up

Everyone is pleased. Thomas loves the mustards.

We are going to make some chicken salad soon and I think the mix will be perfect for that

Although we already put mustard in it so some mustard greens will be good too


Ok, goes to show how out of the loop I am on that stuff. Just checking!

Traditionally the treasury was started to help guys when they needed it. IE cover gas money for events, rental vehicles, patches and such.

I'm not sure how often people even pay into it anymore.

Hello Thomas.

Add another copy of the investment package to the mega that has no watermark and doesn not have any alt text in the title page. Just the logo and the house address info

Thank you

Prob should have said something sooner about that lol

Interesting. Might be a good idea to keep him as an affiliate and have him come to a few things before we sign him on for real. I don't feel comfortable with him coming to December given his mental state.

But some sparring/hiking meetups absolutely

Hey make sure to never place an unpeeled sticker anywhere.

Phone is all set. I will personally hand it to you at camp since you will be traveling soon.

@all Whoever is coming to the event in December please bring your rosary. We will be saying a group rosary at some point and I expect all of you to be carrying your on you in your left pocket during the demonstration.

I will be bringing extras

As someone who got hit in the face by a shield. I have a hard time believing someone would be stupid enough to come back for seconds if they catch some steel.

He is asleep now but I will ask him in the AM if he hasn't taken car eof it already

That is good to hear. I think for his sake he needs to get help before coming back. Think of it like the marshal situation. It doesn't work if you do the same things over and over again.

Membership doesn't mean much if guys can be irresponsible or break rules and get removed and then come right back a week later.

You'll be meeting up with us before the demo though for sure

Do you have threema? You can just call me when you get there

That depends, I don't think that format is necessarily approved for activism. What would you paint on it?

In any rate, we shouldn't be removing yard signs off of private property, so the idea itself should not even be on paper.

Alright, can you give me some more details?

Jan 29th

Wish our membership had this same reaction about demos

Ok I appreciate you being honest man

Do you think you want to take a break from the org and apply when your life is in a better spot?

I didn't get hostility at all, no worries. Get things right in your personal life and then come back to us. We will be here.

I'll talk to Thomas and see about you having removed. If you can, meet up with one of the guys in your area and give them your uniform and and materials you have.

I'll get the boy the hobbit trilogy.

You as well my man. God bless you.

Reach out to @ND - Johnny MN , he will be leading your travel party. You only need to know where to meet up with him.

The blue was lowered a little bit

@all Team leaders sound off on equipment progress for your guys? Who has shinguardss, who has them painted? Need numbers.

We have at least one on backup from NW7. But let's try and get as many as we can. Thanks Nathan.

Ben we just throw those out.

People need to take proper pictures. Picture quality is not something we want to sacrifice to make a bad picture work.

It shouldn't have been uploaded to mega actually

Reason being if people take bad pictures and we edit and upload them it means people don't have to follow the guides we set for standards. Don't enable bad habits.

If people miss their commitment they need to be warned outright. It's more than just stickering. They are failing to follow through on a verbal commitment they made. I think setting higher standards for them as a punishment is good, it will force them out if they cant hang. But just be sure to issue an actual warning if they miss it twice in a row. No slackers.


I have been tasked with taking attendance for the upcoming event and have reached out to every member of the organization to get an accurate headcount. I am reaching out to you again because you have left my message on read. Please respond immediately with your availability and readiness to attend.


I have been tasked with taking attendance for the upcoming event and have reached out to every member of the organization to get an accurate headcount. I am reaching out to you again because you have left my message on read. Please respond immediately with your availability and readiness to attend.


I have been tasked with taking attendance for the upcoming event and have reached out to every member of the organization to get an accurate headcount. I am reaching out to you again because you have left my message on read. Please respond immediately with your availability and readiness to attend.


I have been tasked with taking attendance for the upcoming event and have reached out to every member of the organization to get an accurate headcount. I am reaching out to you again because you have left my message on read. Please respond immediately with your availability and readiness to attend.

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