ND - Christopher AL

@PF-201612 RocketChat ID: WpSPQJipFf6xfZsb5

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We will all split fuel cost 5 ways

I will also be purchasing a 10 man tent for all of us. This will simplify our shelter needs for now and in the future

Sounds good, bro

What are the chances of acquiring banner stencils at the event?

Can you help me with an interview tomorrow?

How’s your gear and uniform looking?

Hugh, tell your employer that you’ve been planning this trip for months. Everyone is expecting you to attend

Is there NO WAY you can attend the event? We’re expecting to have as many men as possible. It’s going to be awe inspiring, truly.

It’s going to be truly AWE INSPIRING. Like no other

Have they hired you?

Sounds solid. Message sent

Interviewee- 687171
Conductor: Sam_MN
Notetaker: Randolph_IL


Test Q: What do you expect will be asked in this interview?: Opinions on topics on current events in America and my personal beliefs

-- Applicant Information --

Personal Transportation: Yes

Permanent Resident: Yes. Unless job moves.

Political Ideology: Fascism. Thinking aligns with Mosley. Fascism is the will of the people bodied in the state. The people have common blood, culture and heritage.

Drug Abuse: None

Religion: Christian. Non-denom currently. No problems working with other religions.

Why Join: Concluded that Dems and Repubs will never do him any favors obviously. PF is very active and action is how we fix our issues.

Skills: Jiu-jitsu. Degree in Finance and Economics. Has camping skills and navigate over land pretty well. Can maintain water supply.

Read Manifesto: Yes. Covers a lot. Doesn't leave much to be asked. Likes the quote from Coolidge. European Americans share a blood tie that cannot be shared with others and without that America falls apart.

-- In-depth Questions --

Q1: Never interviewed

Q2: No crimes. Current DoD contractor. Missile defense. Works in computer systems and finance side of things.

Q3: No ailments

Q4: Used to be average libertarian. Got exposed to communists. Was shocked by their views. Never saw a positive role model in Democracy. Started reading fascists like Mosley.

Q5: Found us on Patriot Front Telegram. Western Chauvinist posted us. Saw a video of us spray painting over George Floyd mural.

Q6: Civic Nationalism falls short. Too big of tent. There is an ethic component to being American. Been to other countries and they considered him American because of his whiteness. They didn't see others as American.

Q7: Moms side came in the Mayflower. Dads side came in the mid 1800s. Half Germanic. Half Welsh.

Q8: Never been part of another group. Wants to get into activism because he has come to the conclusion that you cannot sit on the sidelines when the country is facing this crisis. Ingrained anti-American group that despises everything that it means to be American (aka the Jews) wants to take down America slowly from the inside.

Q9: Thinks violence is justified when someone is coming at you with the intent to cause harm. Could act professionally at an event Understands and agrees with violence statement.

Q10: A friend was doing drugs and started weening himself off. Drug dealer showed up to the house and there was an altercation.

Q11: 3 or 4 hours a day. Weekends open. Can attend weekly meetings.

Q12: Biggest threat to America is the destabilization caused by the Jewish groups.

Q13: Gets political info from books and mostly telegram: Western Chauvinist, NJP, America first crowd, Gab, Scott Greer, Paul Joseph Watson.

Q14: Label on Beliefs: "All for the kingdom of God." The kingdom of God is the most important thing at the end of the day. Found that the bible was infallible. It is the absolute moral foundation that he lives by.

Q15: Religious beliefs where at odds with political beliefs when he was a libertarian. Was resolved when he left libertarianism.

Q16: Mosley (101 questions asked and answered, Fascism for millions). Mussolini (Essays on Fascism). They believe what they are saying. People to them where not an means to an end. Can see himself being part of these movements back in the day.

Q17: H: 6'1" W: 177ibs. Has a weight lifting routine. Low weight high reps. Could run a mile in under 10 mins. Took Jiu-jitsu. Could teach others.

Q18: Ideal family structure. Man is bread winner and head of families while the mother is the homemaker. Boys should be taught things like hunting and how to bring home food while girls should be taught to be home makers. This is not what we see today because of feminism and the necessity of dual incomes. His upbringing was similar to his ideal family structure. Thinks that homosexuality, pornography ect. are disgusting abominations.

Q19: Admires Teddy Roosevelt because he was an ideal leader.

Q20: Despises FDR because because of the institutions founded under his administration. They where the roots of a lot of our economic problems.

Q21: The nationalist movement has to overcome bad actors that the media can hold up as example of our movement. Also grifters. PF is a positive movement in the American Nationalist movement. PF is standing up against the forces who are attacking the American people.

Q22: Wants to get married in a few years and start a family. Move up in his job. Build a life that is more than existing which is what the system wants.

Got another one close to us

Apologies, brother. Been caught up at work. Let’s do tomorrow

Apologies, brother. Been caught up at work unable to get away. Let’s do tomorrow

Apologies, brother. Been caught up at work unable to get away. Let’s do tomorrow

I’d like for you to sit with me on this. Dec 1 or Dec 2.

I’ll get to him then. Or, we could do it next week

Sure. Been working 7 12 hr night shifts for the whole month of November. We were setting a gigantic furnace so we just worked through break.

Missing attachment: 6EDAE394-99A6-45C4-BE26-43C8170BFB2F.jpeg

That thing was freely hanging. About 200,000 lbs. That overhead crane was on tracks. Big operation

I’m letting the other 2 know 7 CST

Q11: In a typical week his free time varies. Works 60 hours a week right now. It depends on how much work his job has, oscillates between 30-70 hours a week. So whenever he isn’t working he is free. Could meet on a weekly basis.

Q12: Biggest threat to America is the evil elite that are messing things up for everyone. They spread things and push policies that are detrimental to white people. Goals are to destroy white people with miscegenation, homosexuality, and transsexuality. They want power and think that white people would be a threat to their power, need a dumbed-down masses. There are a lot of Whites in the elite, a lot of Jews, and some Chinese. They target the white masses, the elite are their own little group.

Q13: Lately he’s been staying away from the news. Uses Twitter, follows people that are smarter than him. Gets news from Telegram too. Has a group that’s the old AIM group plus some friends. He sees what they post in there. They post a lot of the Western Chauvinist. He also follows Nick Fuentes, Vincent James, and AF crowd. Used to listen to America First, but not for the last half year. Understands that Nick Fuentes doesn’t like PF, but he is a “make peace” kind of guy. Has a soft spot for Nick because he got him to where he is here. Sees white advocacy as a pronged approach, with some people going through the system and some going under it.

Q14: Orthodox Christianity makes up the moral center of his worldview. Other than that he is Nationalist. Family is also important to him.

Q15: Never felt like his religion and politics were in conflict. There’s a lot of Christians against advocating for your race, but we’re only all equal in a spiritual sense. Bible is clear that there are different nations. There’s never been a direct contradiction between politics and religion.

Q16: Politically, he got motivated to take action by reading “Bowling Alone,” that describes how America is declining. Has read Death of the West. Seven habits of highly motivated people.

Q17: Considers himself physical fit. 6’2” 180 lbs. On the skinny side, into rock climbing. At one point he got 5k to 22 minutes. Could do a mile under 7 minutes. In AmRen last weekend he did some grappling with PF guys.

Q18: Ideal family structure is father, mother, and tons of kids. Nuclear Family. Today, divorce rates are high. Ideal family is more rare. Boomers had only 2-3 kids, should’ve been more. His parents split when he was 10. His extended family is very family based.

Q19: Admires Robert E Lee because he was a great general. In the civil war the odds were bad for the south, and the fact that we got as far as we did was due in a large part to him.

Q20: Hates Martin Luther King, because he was a wife beating communist and also because he’s seen as a hero.

Q21: Trump glitched the system. The nationalist movement had a big part in that. From what he can tell the nationalist movement is doing as good as it can. Some senators like Paul Gosar have joined the movement. The more activist side is growing. Thinks movement is going in a good direction, but thinks people should get along more. PF serves an important role: its goal isn’t to change minds, but change lives – that quote from Thomas spoke to him. Two party system isn’t ideal, if he was king he would get rid of it. Thinks we’re stuck with it for now.

Q22: Wants to finish college. Plans on getting married and having kids.

Our interviewee

Interviewee- 996570
Conductor: Jesse AR
Notetaker: Sam MN


Test Q: How long ago did you send in your application?
About a week ago.

-- Applicant Information --

Personal Transportation: Access to vehicle.

Permanent Resident: Permanent resident, no plans to move.

Political Ideology: He’s bounced around in the last two years: generally conservative or right wing: the closest things would be the America First movement with Fascist tendencies.

Drug Abuse: No abuse or addiction.

Religion: Orthodox Catholic, no issues working with other religions.

Why Join: Wants to do his small part to make a difference. Plans on having kids and America is screwed up, wants to make it better for the future. One part is the community aspect, knowing like-minded individuals, if things go south he’ll have a group of people. PF might effect some big political changes.

Skills: Could be a body for activism. Travels a lot in state for work, so it will be easy for him to put up stickers. Works in civil engineering, finishing school for it. Musician – plays drums in a metal band. Goes camping and rock climbing. Knows basic bushcraft and survival.

Read Manifesto: Yes, twice. Didn’t find anything that he disagreed with. Agreed with everything.

-- In-depth Questions --

Q1: Never interviewed before.

Q2: Never been charged with any crimes. Never been employed by the government.

Q3: No restricting physical or mental ailments.

Q4: Grew up in generally conservative household. He was in college and was browsing YouTube. Found Sargon of Akkad and got into the anti-feminist movement. Found Steven Crowder and Ben Shapiro. Big turning moment was when Richard Spencer was punched in the face. Decided to see what he has to say. He agreed with basically everything he was saying. Found out about Jared Taylor from there and watched their content (around 2016). It progressed from there. Since then his views evolved, got really into race realism. Would listen to Warski live while he worked. Heard about ethnostate concept and the JQ. Started to read Kevin MacDonald’s book on the JQ, and the Bell Curve around 2017. When far right, kind of considered himself a National Socialist. Backed up from that and considers himself a right-wing reactionary.

Q5: Joined AIM not too long before they joined up. Became good friends with Alabama leader. When it broke up he joined PF, so he found out about the org through him. He would share our stuff when they were in AIM. He thought it was cool but too edgy with the spraypainting. After they left AIM and reflected on its failure, and became disillusioned with infiltrating the Republican party. He was worried about being doxed and found out how safe it was to remain completely anonymous in PF. The PF member (Sean Alabama) talked about his experiences, meet ups and workouts, and that appealed to the interviewee.

Q6: Individually migratory foreigners can become American, there are people who have immigrated here and integrated into the culture. Family from Honduras who immigrated and completely got rid of their culture would theoretically be full Americans. But that usually doesn’t happen very often. There is an ethnic component to being an American. Historically America was a white nation – mostly British and then other Europeans. Sees America as a pan-European nation. Immigration is pretty much restricting to Europeans but there are exceptions to the rule: a few people from each race could fit in, but not in mass.

Q7: From both sides of his family he is a third generation immigrant – Greek and Lithuanian. Ethnically he is half white half Mediterranean, although people consider Meds white.

Q8: He put of flyers, did banner drops, and volunteered for state park for AIM. Only other activism he has done is going to a Stop the Steal rally. He met Nick Fuentes and Alex Jones there. He went as more of a tourist to meet all the celebrities. He’s never been doxed.

Q9: Generally likes to keep violence as the last resort. Would think it’s justified when its necessary, it is situational. Has seen out Philadelphia video and would be able to conduct himself in a similar manner as our activists. Understands and agrees with violence statement.

Q10: Last physical confrontation was a fight with a friend in high school.

Are you available now?

Shields should only break off to shadow Medics in the event that the medics are called out of line to render their efforts. Shields should only break off to shadow Cameras in the event that one appears to be close to potential opposition or otherwise requests one.

We’ll iron out the details come this weekend

Interviewee 996570 is good to go

I’ve instructed him to message you

Interviewee 996570 is having issues messaging you

The 60 qt is proving elusive

@Norman AL I have a jacket for you

@all we leave at 4 a.m.

Looks like only 5 of us are coming. I jumped the gun on saying all of us. Carter was never available, apparently, and Hugh will be fired if he comes. He’s on thin ice with his job.

How much for the banner stencils?

Looking forward to seeing you again, brother



7:40 a.m. at the location you provided



1 hour from checkpoint

Not sure which drive it is

White F150 and whit Honda Accord

Do you have Threema?

Need to know what to do with these flags

WA guy was an infiltrator

Hated I couldn’t say farewell, brother. We did good last night despite everything. Until next time

I am my brothers keeper. ❤️🤝

See you soon, brother

Hey, man. Don’t know how I can help you, exactly

Couldn’t say, brother

It seems that every foreseeable security measure was taken as far as the vehicle exchange location is concerned. I’ve always believed that some of the best camouflage is in plain sight. I see no issue as far as that logistical element is concerned.

It seems like the our biggest issue was information security. Some, obviously, failed in a big way regarding this. The infiltrator knew way too much about specific locations and times and I find that highly disturbing. Someone in the convoy was talking to him directly, I would say.

Bottom line, no one knows nothing until they arrive at camp before the event. We all know this. We should also think about strictly using radios for convoys from point A to point B and even limit the use of phones even further. Possibly even doing some things the old fashion way such as memorizing directions and utilizing landmarks etc. That’s all I have for now.

Do you know where the guy lives?

Stay vigilant. Holler at me anytime

I neglected to return the megaphone. My apologies

I’ll keep it secure

Thanks, bro. Y’all make it home?

Shoot. We still have about 6 hours. Didn’t leave camp till about 11:30

GA boys did great by the way!

Keep it up, brother

@Thomas I see. The amendments I propose are:

A: All unused phones remain at camp

B: only give phones to established/ proven members (ND’s, NQ’s, and NS’s.) With very few exceptions

C: make a heavier use of radios in transit. Maybe networks could think about basic convoy methods

I appreciate that, brother. Glad you made it home safe

@all To all that attended the demonstration over the weekend, I applaud you. I was extremely proud of how every man from this region conducted himself and portrayed the honor and loyalty that is so near and dear to us as Southerners. Let us keep the momentum going and blaze a trail in the South come 2022.

To the ones that couldn’t make it, you were sorely missed and in our thoughts. Do not be discouraged by the external factors that kept you away but allow our actions over the weekend motivate you to make every effort and sacrifice to join your brothers in future endeavors. LIFE. LIBERTY. VICTORY

Also, boxes got mixed up and we only received posters. No banner stencils. Let me know what I need to do as far as ordering them and getting them sent my way

Thank you for the kind words, brother. You inspire me as well

I’m asking because I have Norman in mind for NQ and Sean in mind for NS. I’ll review the document

It was good seeing you again, bro. Always a pleasure

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