
RocketChat ID: DcD23hShj26KwCf2R

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Hugh AL @PF-4878

How’s everyone’s stencil kits coming?

Norman AL @PF-263100

Mines just about ready

Sean AL @PF-646085

I ordered mine some time ago. I guess I'm just curious as to what the kit involves. We just get stencils, so are you wanting us to get our own carry bag and paint to go along with them? Just making sure I'm understanding what is expected of the kit.

@Sean AL yes. That way if any of us are ever out of stickers, we can always stencil

Sean AL @PF-646085

Roger. Anything else other than a bag and spray paint? Don't we also need the paste for posters?

@Sean AL yes and yes. I’ll post some stuff

Latex gloves for stencil kit

@all it’s looking like @Hugh AL and @Carter AL won’t be attending the event. That leaves us with 5 from AL. We can either A: all ride in my truck so we just have one vehicle and save on fuel cost or B: take Norman’s as well for more comfort and cargo space. Y’all let me know

Norman AL @PF-263100

I'm open for either option

Sean AL @PF-646085

Im not opposed to either of them. I'm just moreso concerned with storage space for gear, camping, and the snare drum kit. We may need 2 vehicles. I'm still open to renting if needed. Otherwise, depending on how far the drive is from us, I may be able to drive myself and take a body or two with me since it feels as if this trip won't be as long as the last one.

James AL @PF-211855

I'd have to agree with Sean. I'm kinda worried about the cargo space

Sean AL @PF-646085

The truck would probably fit everything fine in the bed, however. Either way I'm down with making any option work.

Sean AL @PF-646085

@James AL @Andrew AL @Carter AL I will bring some stencils for tomorrow night just in case there's an opportunity that comes up. Do any of you have any paint left over?

Sean AL @PF-646085

Let's plan for 930pm as far as meeting up. Can we all do that time frame?

Carter AL @PF-647631

I don't have any paint, but I'll be more than happy to buy some spray paint. Blue, red, and white?

Sean AL @PF-646085

That's correct @Carter AL

James AL @PF-211855

I have paint

James AL @PF-211855

Just no stencil. I'm going to buy a stencil at the meetup in december

Sean AL @PF-646085

Paint is all we will need

Andrew AL @PF-705250

I can grab a few cans if need be. Any plans on where to meet?

Sean AL @PF-646085

Let's plan on downtown Birmingham. Standby for rally point.

Sean AL @PF-646085

2811 7th Ave S, Birmingham, AL 35233

Sean AL @PF-646085

Jack Brown's Beer and Burger. There are plenty of parking spots behind the building as well. From there we will get into one car. Who is willing to drive from here to the destination (5 min drive)?

Godspeed, brothers. Reclaim Birmingham

Norman AL @PF-263100

Good stuff gentlemen

Sean AL @PF-646085

Gents, the wife and daughter came down with a stomach virus through the night and morning, so I've had my hands full. However, I feel fine and it looks like my wife is getting better by the hour. I'm still 99.9% confident I'll be there, so no worries. I just wanted to keep you all in the loop on the off chance things turn for the worse. Looking forward to tonight!

James AL @PF-211855

Roger that @Sean AL . Same time and place?

Sean AL @PF-646085

Yes sir.

James AL @PF-211855

Roger that👌

Sean AL @PF-646085

@James AL you still have paint left just in case we find a spot?

Sean AL @PF-646085


James AL @PF-211855

Oooooo I like that

James AL @PF-211855

Yea I got paint

Sean AL @PF-646085

Ok good deal

Norman AL @PF-263100

Awesome emblem

This will be the emblem of the future clubhouse. White on a crimson field. I’d live to put this on a white oak plaque as well.

Andrew AL @PF-705250

Very cool.

@all is everyone’s uniform and gear in order?

James AL @PF-211855

@ND - Christopher AL uniform is all good to go. I'll be getting a tent tomorrow

Hugh AL @PF-4878

Wicked, man. I love it

Sean AL @PF-646085

I did not know that the art piece would such be a hit haha. Much appreciated, guys.

James AL @PF-211855

I'm filling up on gas then I'm otw

Sean AL @PF-646085

I'm about to depart.

Carter AL @PF-647631

Same, ill be departing soon

Andrew AL @PF-705250

Should bring anything? I can’t stay out late because I have to be up at 3 to get ready for work, but am gonna head out here soon.

Andrew AL @PF-705250
Sean AL @PF-646085

Just stickers and masks

Sean AL @PF-646085

Masks/hats if you want

Sean AL @PF-646085

We won't be out all night

James AL @PF-211855

ETA 10 min

Sean AL @PF-646085

I'm parked behind Hattie B's

Sean AL @PF-646085

Across the street

Andrew AL @PF-705250

Yeah no parking behind jack browns.

Carter AL @PF-647631

I'm here, I parked on the street beside it

Andrew AL @PF-705250

I’m behind Hattie b’s.

Sean AL @PF-646085

Cool. I'm inside jacks

Carter AL @PF-647631

Are we meeting inside Jack Browns

Sean AL @PF-646085

Cone on in while we wait on James

James AL @PF-211855

Trying to find a place to park

James AL @PF-211855

I'm coming towards Jack's

Sean AL @PF-646085


James AL @PF-211855

I'm out front

Andrew AL @PF-705250

Come in.

Andrew AL @PF-705250

We’re at the bar.

Sean AL @PF-646085

Gents, post your best pictures here when you can.

Sean AL @PF-646085

It was good seeing all of you.

Andrew AL @PF-705250
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Andrew AL @PF-705250
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Andrew AL @PF-705250
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Andrew AL @PF-705250
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Andrew AL @PF-705250
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Carter AL @PF-647631

It was a good night! I'll be posting in the morning. Hail Victory

Andrew AL @PF-705250
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Andrew AL @PF-705250
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Andrew AL @PF-705250
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Andrew AL @PF-705250
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Andrew AL @PF-705250
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Andrew AL @PF-705250

For some reason it’s still not letting me upload.

Sean AL @PF-646085

@Andrew AL try taking a screenshot of your picture to lower the mb per image. Then upload the screenshot.

Andrew AL @PF-705250
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Andrew AL @PF-705250
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Andrew AL @PF-705250
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Andrew AL @PF-705250
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Andrew AL @PF-705250
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Andrew AL @PF-705250
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Andrew AL @PF-705250

Messed up the focus on one of those.

@all I want everyone to anticipate leaving very early on the morning of the 3rd. If y’all need to, y’all can crash at my place Thursday night. I expect everyone’s gear to be in order and their uniform neat and clean.

The weather will be between the 30’s and 50’s during our stay so pack accordingly and bring plenty of personal lighting (lanterns, headlamps, flashlights, etc.)

@all if there are ANY questions, now’s the time to ask

also, we are taking 2 vehicles

We will all split fuel cost 5 ways

I will also be purchasing a 10 man tent for all of us. This will simplify our shelter needs for now and in the future

James AL @PF-211855

Very successful night in Birmingham, it was fun seeing all you guys again👌

James AL @PF-211855
Norman AL @PF-263100

Excellent activism gentlemen

Norman AL @PF-263100

And stoked to see that emblem on the future clubhouse!

Norman AL @PF-263100

And solid copy Christopher, Hail Victory

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