Message from PF-201612

RocketChat ID: kmD6McpWe9pf7juqD

Q11: In a typical week his free time varies. Works 60 hours a week right now. It depends on how much work his job has, oscillates between 30-70 hours a week. So whenever he isn’t working he is free. Could meet on a weekly basis.

Q12: Biggest threat to America is the evil elite that are messing things up for everyone. They spread things and push policies that are detrimental to white people. Goals are to destroy white people with miscegenation, homosexuality, and transsexuality. They want power and think that white people would be a threat to their power, need a dumbed-down masses. There are a lot of Whites in the elite, a lot of Jews, and some Chinese. They target the white masses, the elite are their own little group.

Q13: Lately he’s been staying away from the news. Uses Twitter, follows people that are smarter than him. Gets news from Telegram too. Has a group that’s the old AIM group plus some friends. He sees what they post in there. They post a lot of the Western Chauvinist. He also follows Nick Fuentes, Vincent James, and AF crowd. Used to listen to America First, but not for the last half year. Understands that Nick Fuentes doesn’t like PF, but he is a “make peace” kind of guy. Has a soft spot for Nick because he got him to where he is here. Sees white advocacy as a pronged approach, with some people going through the system and some going under it.

Q14: Orthodox Christianity makes up the moral center of his worldview. Other than that he is Nationalist. Family is also important to him.

Q15: Never felt like his religion and politics were in conflict. There’s a lot of Christians against advocating for your race, but we’re only all equal in a spiritual sense. Bible is clear that there are different nations. There’s never been a direct contradiction between politics and religion.

Q16: Politically, he got motivated to take action by reading “Bowling Alone,” that describes how America is declining. Has read Death of the West. Seven habits of highly motivated people.

Q17: Considers himself physical fit. 6’2” 180 lbs. On the skinny side, into rock climbing. At one point he got 5k to 22 minutes. Could do a mile under 7 minutes. In AmRen last weekend he did some grappling with PF guys.

Q18: Ideal family structure is father, mother, and tons of kids. Nuclear Family. Today, divorce rates are high. Ideal family is more rare. Boomers had only 2-3 kids, should’ve been more. His parents split when he was 10. His extended family is very family based.

Q19: Admires Robert E Lee because he was a great general. In the civil war the odds were bad for the south, and the fact that we got as far as we did was due in a large part to him.

Q20: Hates Martin Luther King, because he was a wife beating communist and also because he’s seen as a hero.

Q21: Trump glitched the system. The nationalist movement had a big part in that. From what he can tell the nationalist movement is doing as good as it can. Some senators like Paul Gosar have joined the movement. The more activist side is growing. Thinks movement is going in a good direction, but thinks people should get along more. PF serves an important role: its goal isn’t to change minds, but change lives – that quote from Thomas spoke to him. Two party system isn’t ideal, if he was king he would get rid of it. Thinks we’re stuck with it for now.

Q22: Wants to finish college. Plans on getting married and having kids.