(DM) ND - Christopher AL & Randolph IL

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Randolph IL @PF-729917

Got an interviewee for you.

Randolph IL @PF-729917

Interviewee- 687171
Conductor: Sam_MN
Notetaker: Randolph_IL


Test Q: What do you expect will be asked in this interview?: Opinions on topics on current events in America and my personal beliefs

-- Applicant Information --

Personal Transportation: Yes

Permanent Resident: Yes. Unless job moves.

Political Ideology: Fascism. Thinking aligns with Mosley. Fascism is the will of the people bodied in the state. The people have common blood, culture and heritage.

Drug Abuse: None

Religion: Christian. Non-denom currently. No problems working with other religions.

Why Join: Concluded that Dems and Repubs will never do him any favors obviously. PF is very active and action is how we fix our issues.

Skills: Jiu-jitsu. Degree in Finance and Economics. Has camping skills and navigate over land pretty well. Can maintain water supply.

Read Manifesto: Yes. Covers a lot. Doesn't leave much to be asked. Likes the quote from Coolidge. European Americans share a blood tie that cannot be shared with others and without that America falls apart.

-- In-depth Questions --

Q1: Never interviewed

Q2: No crimes. Current DoD contractor. Missile defense. Works in computer systems and finance side of things.

Q3: No ailments

Q4: Used to be average libertarian. Got exposed to communists. Was shocked by their views. Never saw a positive role model in Democracy. Started reading fascists like Mosley.

Q5: Found us on Patriot Front Telegram. Western Chauvinist posted us. Saw a video of us spray painting over George Floyd mural.

Q6: Civic Nationalism falls short. Too big of tent. There is an ethic component to being American. Been to other countries and they considered him American because of his whiteness. They didn't see others as American.

Q7: Moms side came in the Mayflower. Dads side came in the mid 1800s. Half Germanic. Half Welsh.

Q8: Never been part of another group. Wants to get into activism because he has come to the conclusion that you cannot sit on the sidelines when the country is facing this crisis. Ingrained anti-American group that despises everything that it means to be American (aka the Jews) wants to take down America slowly from the inside.

Q9: Thinks violence is justified when someone is coming at you with the intent to cause harm. Could act professionally at an event Understands and agrees with violence statement.

Q10: A friend was doing drugs and started weening himself off. Drug dealer showed up to the house and there was an altercation.

Q11: 3 or 4 hours a day. Weekends open. Can attend weekly meetings.

Q12: Biggest threat to America is the destabilization caused by the Jewish groups.

Q13: Gets political info from books and mostly telegram: Western Chauvinist, NJP, America first crowd, Gab, Scott Greer, Paul Joseph Watson.

Q14: Label on Beliefs: "All for the kingdom of God." The kingdom of God is the most important thing at the end of the day. Found that the bible was infallible. It is the absolute moral foundation that he lives by.

Q15: Religious beliefs where at odds with political beliefs when he was a libertarian. Was resolved when he left libertarianism.

Q16: Mosley (101 questions asked and answered, Fascism for millions). Mussolini (Essays on Fascism). They believe what they are saying. People to them where not an means to an end. Can see himself being part of these movements back in the day.

Q17: H: 6'1" W: 177ibs. Has a weight lifting routine. Low weight high reps. Could run a mile in under 10 mins. Took Jiu-jitsu. Could teach others.

Q18: Ideal family structure. Man is bread winner and head of families while the mother is the homemaker. Boys should be taught things like hunting and how to bring home food while girls should be taught to be home makers. This is not what we see today because of feminism and the necessity of dual incomes. His upbringing was similar to his ideal family structure. Thinks that homosexuality, pornography ect. are disgusting abominations.

Q19: Admires Teddy Roosevelt because he was an ideal leader.

Q20: Despises FDR because because of the institutions founded under his administration. They where the roots of a lot of our economic problems.

Q21: The nationalist movement has to overcome bad actors that the media can hold up as example of our movement. Also grifters. PF is a positive movement in the American Nationalist movement. PF is standing up against the forces who are attacking the American people.

Q22: Wants to get married in a few years and start a family. Move up in his job. Build a life that is more than existing which is what the system wants.

Randolph IL @PF-729917

Make sure to contact him within the next 48 hours.

Sounds solid. Message sent

Randolph IL @PF-729917

Hell yeah brother. Congratulations.

Thank you, sir.

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