Message from @Athena Marie
Discord ID: 337399872032473099
Big thanks to everyone who helped make this happen.
Thank you @Goldstein Riots , haha.
@GoyMeetsWorld I'm down to do the podcast thing. Let me know when
I think I'm fucking awesome. (probably not the point of this but I'll still promote myself)
I've got some new articles submitted at DS, any likes or feedback in the comments is super appreciated.
Hey guys, I wanted to gauge here if there's any interest or talent pool for starting a fairly explicit pro-European musical project. I'm thinking of starting what would essentially be an identitarian post-rock/baroque band. This would of course be very different from the RAC/Black metal style usually associated with pro white music. My goal is to blur the line between implicitly white music and an openly pro-European image and message in a musical style that is know for being beautiful and grandiose.
I'd like to incorporate classical elements so any one with experience in classical music would be a boon. If you play any instrument you are welcome to try your hand at this and I'm open to people coming and going and having anywhere from 3 to 20 people involved at a time. If you aren't musically inclined but think you're a wonderful poet you are welcome to try your hand at lyrics. If you know someone outside IE or another major organization you are welcome to invite them as well.
Post here or message me if interested
More shilling if you aren't on the music server
I just want everyone here to know I'm a real swell guy.
I'm a nice guy I'm a swell guy
I'm Not Cody Cigar
I need help telling some faggot Aussies how to salute in a poll please
More important is the cattle-prod question:
"Paul joins us to discuss activism & antifa. In part two of this episode, Johnny Monoxide joins Larry, Confessor, and Jayoh to read some Daily Stormer articles."
@b-luccason heres our episode with ya
Exciting news to anyone in SE Virginia and eastern NC.
We are confirmed. Simon Roche at Stanley Ball Room in New Bern, NC 7:00 on August 15, 2017
Here's my podcast guys with some vanguard america guys
Awww shiet
Spread it everywhere broski
Will do brother
Great podcast, listening now
excelllent thank you spread it eveywhere
im going on trs after the paywall is added and sacco said soon itll be put on vandal void
Triumphant return to Live Radio tonight speaking about Simon Roche 107.1 WTKF. They do ustream and occasionally Facebook livestream.