I'm Not Sam Hyde
Discord ID: 177262869891645440
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Any nationalists horny here
Michigan minutemen here
I'll hit up voice when I can
Mostly text tho
Yeah this is pretty much what I expected
We need to get off the faceberg
It needs to be a concerted effort
Oh shit I should run Kali on my Rpi
That's what I got, getting another soon.
Soon, I'd like to start working on a home media server
Rackmoint in the basement and run output throughout the house
Yeah, it's been a goal for a while
Did the public discord just go down?
Dude have you seen all the confiscations on the Portland PD twitter?
@Reconzfury No different Rockwell
I heard the thots are at it again.
Just stand outside and heckle them
Mass public intoxication nationalism
Hoooleeeee fuuuuuuck
u rite
I have a commie flag to burn
I will
I took it off a tranny in Portland\
Steel reserve is the official veer of the Alt Right wtf
Beer even
I'll be there, Portland right now, moving to michigan
Ohioans are the strongest race on earth
Sure am glad Erika doesn't live here, amirite?
Weeeeeeeh, I'm bored so I have to nitpick inconsequential shit
Well, you should be doing irl shit no matter what
I hate when our movement gets bored
Okay, great plan
I think he should personally say that to Heimbach
No really, he should hop on over to the Cville rally, and say that to Heimbach himself
Just like the kid in another channel who said he wants to ask why Mike didnt bring his kike wife to the rally
I'm honestly very much in favor of allowing physical violence between members of the alt-right
There needs to be an example set for "Hey, you said this stuff that was way out of line, and that's why this is happening to you"
And then have the parties involved beat the fuck out of each other
Feel free to tell me I'm wrong
You're not sleeping
Dude, there are definitely going to be brawls at Cville
We just need to make sure they happen after the rally, not before
Split lips are bad optics
Dude he's like a typical 8pol shitter
Who gives a fuck
Unless he's a danger to opsec
Did you see we got a normie share?
Red Elephants advertised for the rally
I encourage everyone to talk to the normies commenting, get them to come
We need to be a public face
This rally needs to go well
By any means neccesary
The anti fash pages are surprisingly quiet
And like you said, infighting irl
Well, it's up to us to patrol our own
Well, the Proudboys are supposed to bring a good number
Right now, I'm worried about uppidy civnat normies, and infiltrators
As far as I know, the system is going to be, if you see someone who looks suspicious, calmy confront them, ask who theyre here with, if you doubt their story, ask if anyone can vouch for them
So, do you know what the schedule is?
Are we having a seminar or something before to go over the rules and plans?
I haven't seen anything
Alright, I'll try to contact one of the security team
That's being handled
We have a solid team
Heres the thing about that
And I assume the antis know this as well as anyone
If they ever tried something like that
It would be open season
They're showing up
Count on it
No idea as to their numbers
They going to try and noplatform us
Make as much noise as possible so no one can hear our message
Are you in the event discord?
Try to get in
Just a channel to get updates and shit
You need to be approved I'm pretty sure
All in all, it's shaping up to be a great time
Looking forward to the afterpartying
Biggest event of the year
What I heard
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