Message from @JohnnyMcFashy
Discord ID: 322129963874779137
Not wholesome but humorous
Guys just remember that everything you don't like is autism
^ autism amiright
Autists are the master race. You haven't seen vargs video?!
Ahh i love that picture
Saying that women should know their place in a fascist movement is not autism.
The Female Question
Stop being islamic and autistic guys jeez
We all need to try harder
>I'm part of a fascist movement based on biological realism and traditionalist views
>Quit being autistic and mean to the girls guys!
Goyettes should be focused on forming the sewing circles
14 times
Like Sacco said, you're not a real rightwing/fascist woman unless you're on your knees
Every 88 seconds
@BiggusDickus love the name btw
Women are biologically prone to emotionally guided reactions and thus hysteria when dealing with stress inducing stimuli
Somebody changed my name when I criticized the female....feels bad
McCarthy still hasn't been added back. @Eli Mosley
@kristall.night that looks like my baptism
For all of you who seem to be confused – Organizing social events IS a traditional woman's role. You should all be aware that speech control is thought control. If you aren't putting in the time to organize the event then quit pretending you deserve a greater say.
We're not a movement that has women in leadership roles. A woman should not be in charge of a man. They should be in a supportive role.
@SaintCharles Be careful dude. Asserting facts means you're autistic now