Message from @Lucilomar - FL
Discord ID: 322132368620257283
We all need to try harder
>I'm part of a fascist movement based on biological realism and traditionalist views
>Quit being autistic and mean to the girls guys!
Goyettes should be focused on forming the sewing circles
Bookclubs for Goys
14 times
Like Sacco said, you're not a real rightwing/fascist woman unless you're on your knees
Every 88 seconds
@BiggusDickus love the name btw
Women are biologically prone to emotionally guided reactions and thus hysteria when dealing with stress inducing stimuli
Somebody changed my name when I criticized the female....feels bad
McCarthy still hasn't been added back. @Eli Mosley
@kristall.night that looks like my baptism
For all of you who seem to be confused – Organizing social events IS a traditional woman's role. You should all be aware that speech control is thought control. If you aren't putting in the time to organize the event then quit pretending you deserve a greater say.
We're not a movement that has women in leadership roles. A woman should not be in charge of a man. They should be in a supportive role.
@SaintCharles Be careful dude. Asserting facts means you're autistic now
Schedule an event, make whatever decisions you want and organize with however you want wherever you want on the flow chart.
deciding who gets banned is a leadership role, not supportive
*"Cool it with the autistic remarks"*
Show me one example of a movement with women in leadership positions that has been beneficial for our race.
Someone decided she earned it. Until someone better earns it in that person's eyes it's hers
If you can do better PROVE it
We're an equal opportunity movement now?
I mean I guess having a twitter account and saying "and stuff like that" 700 times in a redice interview is all it takes to be alt right leader nowadays
I think we're all aware of the role of women in our movement. Best thing to do now is to move forward discussing plans for the event and ignore all women when they tell us to do things.
I never heard her demanding microphone time.
Lol our huge "battle" with antifa is now a social event
Anytime we gather it is a social event.
What was the argument that started all of this?