Message from @JesseJames
Discord ID: 468798823922401310
@Deleted Useragree,well said!
It might not be a bad to listen to a Stefan Molyneux video in which he has a conversation with a young man in a situation similar to yours.
@Tanner - SC It sounds like you're always going on dates
I’m a man on a mission.
I could use some advice for a sort of new relationship I’m in.
I’ve known her for years, she wants to get married, and we’ve been together as far as seeing each other often is concerned (waiting until marriage for sex or moving in together). However she is getting upset over little things and I don’t know how to respond. It is semi long distance but only a few hours drive.
Could you give an example or two?
@Francis V do you Skype often? It was very helpful years ago for my wife and I when we were far from each other
I sorted it out she just wanted more attention, busy schedules and I wasn’t messaging her enough for her liking. We use FaceTime and other such chatting services.
lol I usually have a problem with messaging people *too* much
As much as pick up artists are degenerate
They have a point with keeping replies reasonably brief, the two to one rule
For every two words they send you send one. 2:1 same with time between messages. But really grug just need be grugself
I myself have ran a woman or two off in my younger years by being too available.
Or four
>Grug talk to grugella >"Unga bunga grug tee hee" >Rock fall out of grug loincloth >grug face when
@Francis V in my opinion if you are in a relationship then you shouldn’t be concerned with any 2:1 bs.
Also if you have found a woman you have a real connection with you should be natural. If she feels the same connection to you then you shouldn’t be concerned with putting on a front and do what these pick up artist tell you. If you find a girl who isn’t pleased because you text her first or you send her the same amount of messages, she’s the wrong girl anyway.
That's true. If you've been with her a while it should be easy to communicate with her. You should be able to text her whenever you feel, as long as you aren't doing it out of insecurity or demanding an immediate response. If she's complaining you aren't communicating with her enough that could have several meanings. Could be some insecurity on her part, which isn't always a bad thing.
I agree @JesseJames most PUA are scripted guidelines to make yourself not seem desperate in the first few days of meeting someone. Communication and being your best self is better for anything steady
Right. Just as you want to know the girls true personality you should give her yours. Unless your motives are to fool her for a short amount of time to get her in bed pua are useless.
@Francis V I've heard this rule and think there's some truth to it, but it's so hard for me to implement. It just feels so counterintuitive to me.
@JesseJames I agree that once you're in a committed relationship, you probably shouldn't have to follow any "rules".
However, I don't know if the rest of what you said is necessarily true. Some guys, me included, are admittedly just kinda bad at talking to women and need to give it some extra thought.
@Jacob That means you need to work on being personable. It doesn't mean that you need to learn 5 Cool Tricks To Make Any Girl Like You
You need *6* Cool Tricks To Make Any Girl Like You
This Cool Cat Is Talking To Hundreds Of Women, And Basically, You're A Dumb Idiot
Based on a quick Google search, I need to learn *10* cool tricks
@Jacob as far as being personable goes, listen to what people say, and smile genuinely. People like to talk in a conversation, not be talked at, unless you're a uniquely interesting person, which is less than one in 100
That 10 point list was basically 8/10 different ways of saying "show interest in other people"
Which is probably something I don't do enough of
lol I can imagine this tip going wrong
No you’re right about the 2:1 thing it’s not for relationships which are serious. There shouldn’t be such a barrier as message length to a healthy relationship
@Zyzz funny thing about that book, the first edition had a chapter specifically for married couples, it was later removed as the book became to be known better as a resource for business-types
But you can find that chapter online
Is it good @ThisIsChris i read the rest of the book a few years ago. It was good but a lot of it was common sense. My grandpa actually recommended. It. He said it helped him when he moved to Cali from an isolated farm.
I have a girlfriend!