Message from @TMatthews
Discord ID: 482032641890189322
Ok, I've got a first rough draft written. Where do I send it? @Goose
It's amazing how mentioning the word white warrants this reaction:
@Deleted User that author is not white btw
Imagine my shock
@Johnny B. Populus wow that was quick.
I'd post it in the activism server unless someone else has a better suggestion
I literally made a Twitter. Followed Trump and then IE. Tried to click on a Tweet and boom, 12 hour suspension.
no kidding
these people are deranged
Good night Everyone
@ThisIsChris one of our good friends huh?
Have a great night, friend! @V.Balboa - PA
Trump tweeting about S. Africa warms my old, hardened heart
@Conway - OK Our greatest allies for sure
Probably asleep
Wow just wow
@Bjorn - MD and a one way ticket to South Africa lol
Tucker has done more for our people than most of us could ever hope to
@TMatthews in fifty years I hope Tucker will go up as a statue twice as large as these Mandela statues
that Chris Picciolini is about to get ratio'd _real_ hard
Here's a rough copy of a letter idea that was in the server a bit ago. It concerns the recent SA Boer Trump post.
Government Official,
President Trump has officially addressed the South African Boer genocide. This is a matter that has been ongoing for many years; South African white Farmers have been slaughtered en masse by the policies enacted by the Mugabe regime. "kill the Boer, Kill the Farmer" has been a rallying cry for the indigenous peoples of South Africa. The United States must answer to this atrocity. The Boer has fed South Africa for decades & now they're being shown the appreciation through means of rape and torture and murder and dispossession. You must act & through whichever governmental means, give these honorable people Federal Refugee Status. Not only are they good and Noble people but they are steeped in agricultural skill & experience. The genocide of White people in South Africa must end!
The Boer arrived before the modern black population in much of the country.
So I wouldn't even call the Africans indigenous, tbh.
The rest is great!.
I think it would help to note that its continued into Ramaphosa's presidency, makes people think its been going on for a long time without having to know Mugabe was president for 30 years and that its a systematic problem ("Wow two presidents in a row are doing this?") @Johnny B. Populus
Based president ever
Guys, I got a copy of Epoch Times in the mail...I never signed up for it...I think they got my address from campaign contribution. WHAT IS IT?
Tucker 👌🏻<:tucker:378724715679711233>
@Freiheit - CA idk. I got handed a flyer for it at the trump rally for Balderson. They sold it as a "non fake news" alternative
Been researching...Chinese anti-communist paper
Started by Falun Gong people
Sure wish the Identitarian was distributed like that.
I might check it out.
the redpilling is rampant on twitter
the left can not contain their hatred for whites
good, keep hating whites, it will only push more /ourway/
I wasn't much for the "Accelerationist" attitude, but I'm fully on board at this point. It seems like it's going to be the only way to wake up all the complacent whites around the world (*before* it's too late...).
Never interrupt the enemy when they are making a mistake.