Message from @Freiheit - CA
Discord ID: 487093169536630784
Control your power level, to much truth burns people.
Some people are addicted to attention - negative or positive.
@MrBland - VAtrue
@Dylan Meditate, keep your beliefs close to your chest, just say what you have to say to get a good grade and gtfo
damn yall still in here...
Jefferson's "there is no truth I would not have known" doesn't apply to most people.
Bronze Age Mindset
Viking Age Mindset
Can anybody D.M. the link to the book club server?🤔
@Bjorn - MDnice
@hbutzer0511 hit up @CarletonJ
Is there a book club server? I missed that
@Freiheit - CA Copy👌
Ah of course
>not even intentional, just a fruedian slip
That would be cool,ie music noice!!
Too many legal issues
I probably talk too much, but I measure all my words and make sure everything is defendable from a normie perspective
Nah get some sleep
Now that (good novelist, terrible leader) Harold Covington has passed, any chance of reaching out to NWF
@Reinhard Wolff What is your opinion on the murder of Mollie Tibbetts, her family's reaction, and does IE plan to make a monument to her?
Keep up your strength to fight for the white race
@Reinhard Wolff give it up for @Deleted User on the podcast.
NWF is basically a terrorist organization
They have photos online with stockpiles of weapons
I meant for recruiting for IE, not to colaborate
Why would recruiting people in an org like that make any sense?
I'd donate
@MrBland - VA me too!
@Reinhard Wolff Fantastic Fireside tonight - very informative! Thank you!
>All American
>Needs an interpreter
@greg_p - TX Obviously they'd be vetted heavily, show them a better way than LARPing. Just an idle thought.
Hm, maybe they should check that family's papers
Now that TWP is defunct (or whatever) should we recruit them? No. NWF was even more extreme and terroristic--by leaps and bounds.
Disgusting and sick