Message from @Madbent
Discord ID: 492156681170714635
'Our N-Word
@Alex Kolchak - NY I'll still have them, I just want another aesthetic option
true. I have both
Love it
@Alex Kolchak - NY
No gun posting
I listened. I just get fidgety
I am listening.
Oh we’re listening
sorry sorry
Just taking notes...
not meant in that way
I'm deaf
Jefferson state hours?
Listening while I cook
@Freiheit - CA weak
Fresco over here
"How dare you call me the N-word! I'M A ROMAN LEGIONNAIRE thank you very much."
Too far to fly.
Oh gwaaad
The Gaaass
Lol. Unemployment is maxed out at 450 a week in CA I think. Wouldn't be able to pay the bills with that, let alone go on a spending spree.
@Gibson please take not of how little gibson has done for this organization
i commute an hour to work every day and i pray every day that all these Mexicans and Chinese don't hit me on the freeway
What about ur mom
Someone redpill me on Gibson?
I am the bean boy
he's a very sad story
congrats btw fam
ridding a bike you didn’t steal is mad white.
@FACINEMA Nathan's parting wish was that anyone in IE who says "goy" gets bullied so consider yourself bullied