Message from @Hakujin - CA
Discord ID: 494342471388758027
@Reinhard Wolff When pledge halls will be hosted on Mercury/Slack, etc.
take a look at the pic, contact @Deleted User for merch.
@Reinhard Wolff Ah, no worries then.
LOL just watched that Nashville Parthenon video. Very alpha
The next national conference is in the same area (TN/KY) right?
That was a fun orientation. I learned something, even though I have been a memeber for nearly a year. @Reinhard Wolff You do a great job on these chats. Where I work, I usually have to be on an hour long conference call once or twice a month. I can tell you that you do a much better job keeping the listeners engaged than the paid facilitators of my employer. Granted, I find the topics here much more interesting and important, but you are good at what you do.
Thank you, @Rick. Glad you could join us tonight.
that flat line concerns me
but it might be temporary because all the MAGA people married to shillary wives finally divorced
@YourFundamentalTheorum We shall see. Apparently millennials are responsible for the drop in the divorce rate.
because they arn'et getting married? š
The conservative ones are, the liberal ones arenāt
@YourFundamentalTheorum I thought the same thing, apparently the rate of divorce for married millennials is low so far.
Compared to boomers that is.
Could it be that millenial men are just so cowed and cucked from feminism that they don't know well enough to get divorced?
@Rick Are you suggesting that we don't get married?
no. not at all. sorry. that was poor attempt at humor.
It's possible that divorce rates are lower for millennials because most of them don't get married in the first place and the ones that do are typically more traditional
Or perhaps because of the decline in āserial divorceā, popularized among the two preceding generations.
I have been divorced once and married twice,
Sorry to hear that.
Relationships are tough.
What, in your opinion, is the most difficult aspect of a long-term relationship?
change, or the lack thereof from either partner i think is big.
stagnation can be really bad as well.
(I've been married for 11 years, with my wife for 16 years...first/only marriage, btw)
How was your Tuesday my dudes?
I killed a bunch of small animals... š
Got this today at a church I attend
@Distracted what denomination, if you don't mind me asking?
The combination with which the Republican Senate leadership is combining respect for sexual abuse allegations while at the same time pushing forward on the confirmation vote is peak optics if they actually manage to get Kavanaugh confirmed in time for the Fall session. And I don't mean "peak optics" ironically, they're really making themselves beyond reproach, disarming the democrats quite well. I'll even go out on a limb and say they may even be able to pull some red-state Democrat senators to confirm Kavanaugh by the time of the confirmation.
@Distracted I bet black churches don't have this questionnaire...
@ThisIsChris I have full faith in the GOP to screw this up, but we'll see.
yeah, honestly this ^
Cultural Marxism is the de facto state religion and the vast majority of Christians practice it too. Religions, except for maybe Islam, tend to yield to the morals of society. Most churches are our enemies now, but that will change when our ideas go mainstream in secular politics
Well said.