Message from @ophiuchus
Discord ID: 506963265084194816
I thought he was dating that Cuomo guy?
Tomorrow is the premiere of the IE anime series. Sorry I spoiled the surprise
Long time coming! Jeez
Fascinima, if you'd like any voice actors or actresses, I would love to be of aid to your anime series. Exclusively if it is subbed, though.
I’m sorry, but this is hilarious.
"bespoke solutions for businesses and individuals"
what a byline
I hope Vince makes a video about it because he was in that debate with wohl.
Only thing I know about Wohl is he wanted war in Syria and that was enough to make me not like him
@american_frankenstein greetings and salutations
Who’s doing the IE pumpkin?
You guys think maybe we could talk about/make content pertaining to the cruelty of Halal slaughter to try and make some hippies unsupportive of Muslims?
is that a moped?
It’s an Italian scooter
@NITRODUBS that would be a little off message for us but I get where you’re going with that
Lol apparently the shut the airport I was flying from down the moment my plane left because the Vice President was arriving.
@FACINEMA was supposed to be a secret
My apologies for posting a meme, but it's just to say that humor is necessary.
Memes are fine so long as they don’t dominate the chat and are relevant
I'm really digging the new discord name
They changed it just as I was getting enthusiastic about gazing at birds. What a pity.
Nice People Chats could of worked too, NPC for short lol
Hello, fellow nice, respectable person @Krypto- OH! How was your day? Glorious, I hope. The weather here was a balmy 74 degrees in northern Florida - fairly unusual for this time of year; I even had to wear a coat as I road my motorcycle to work today. Can you believe that?
I think the new server name will do more to arouse suspicion than the previous name.
Birdwatchers was suspicious but this new one is next level lol
I nominate "Fortnite Dab Squad" for the next one. 100% camo
Suggestion: Ethnostate DSA
DSA *is* the ethnostate
#1 competition
@Deleted User Varg pumpkin incoming
Saw 6 mixed race couples last week. Saw a white blond chick and her black boyfriend on the train recently. I freaking hate modern western civilization.
name the server something like "lovers of mario kart" or "lovers of racing gmaes!"
with that picture