Message from @Mikolas
Discord ID: 507384937725296641
My shoulders hurt for days.
Can ytou still here it right now
@Selma PT ya aint getting in FBI unless youre fit
im down to 230 pounds from 310
@Selma nice job
HotMicing is antiwhite
Hotmicing is best when it's babies
@Selma why did i think u were tall
im 5'6/5'7
Ah ok
probably because i sound like a goblin
U sound god
You're fine
Not not that good haha
IE channel,
That could be new slang
"dude u sound GOD"
god tier
Gotta share since were talking kids
Very beautiful kid.
@SuperTomPerry -RI awwwwww looooovvveeee
Need 5 more
Lol shes 7 months now
@SuperTomPerry -RI First pic: You tell em, babby
@Marty Robbins no quotes about killing people please, even if you're joking.
Leaves . . . Babies love leaves 🍂 @SuperTomPerry -RI
Her eyes are so vividly blue!
Almost cerulean.
@The Morrígan yea thats my wife doing all the playing in leaves pics
So precious . . How many children do you have ? @SuperTomPerry -RI
Just her for now