Message from @Selma
Discord ID: 507384598343319552
New england is the best
Boring voice chat
@Freiheit - CA yup
Sounds about right, we actually had a snow in September once where I used to live
Freiheit, you could always chime in instead of being uncouth.
Uncouth...i like it
Shoveling feet of snow is a price you pay to live in the huwhite north
Florida boo
@TMatthews facts
You don't use slow shovels you use flame flowers
It snowed days ago and I had to shovel a bunch of it.
My shoulders hurt for days.
Can ytou still here it right now
@Selma PT ya aint getting in FBI unless youre fit
im down to 230 pounds from 310
@Selma nice job
HotMicing is antiwhite
Hotmicing is best when it's babies
@Selma why did i think u were tall
im 5'6/5'7
Ah ok
probably because i sound like a goblin
U sound god
You're fine
Not not that good haha
IE channel,
That could be new slang
"dude u sound GOD"
god tier
Gotta share since were talking kids
Very beautiful kid.