Message from @Reinhard Wolff
Discord ID: 507386332843081731
No problem big guy I just know you're irish so I assumed
@Reinhard Wolff come on Paddy?
I was raised Catholic
So you're not too far off
Ahhh. What area ? @SuperTomPerry -RI
Understand if you dont want to say
Catholic school until 7th grade.
Japan its just a training deployment but for bout 7 months
Will Allsup be at LOPF?
So what's your all's favorite European countries?
probably a personal question that nobdoy knows....
Italy! @Virgil
@SuperTomPerry -RI so lovely. our baby loves leaves too!!!
@Virgil kenya
But i was just in Greece and most working middle aged men were based
@Reinhard Wolff. Does anyone call you Paddy? Is it ok if we do? I feel bad throwing it out there without first asking now, dont mean to disrespect!
No one really calls me that.
Patrick is what I prefer.
Gonna hafta say Spain for me
I call most other Patricks "Pat"
@Volkmom how old and boy or girl? Or hasnt it decided yet...jk
He prefers glorious leader
Based supreme overlord
LOL boy, 6months @SuperTomPerry -RI
Supreme Overlord work for you
My preferred pronouns: Ev/ropa
@Volkmom nice, a month behind mine
Patrick is adult and professional. I had friends named Billy and Bobby who dropped the Y's of course
@Virgil ireland
Ev Casey is true that you garden in your spare time?
Air Force...not to shit on you but...thats not military lmao
I'd enjoy gardening but I don't do it.
I hate to say it but it does go too fast @SuperTomPerry -RI
Dude, the math is super easy on the asvab
as long as your solid through algebra
absolutely cake
you can outjew the jew