Message from @ophiuchus
Discord ID: 509659571430621187
Good points though. Well articulated but you definitely are assuming they’ll engage with that much.
If I was a college republican with very basic ideas and a guy started off a diatribe about race and policy with “if I could quote the founding father of Singapore” I’d be pretty thrown off a bit
The guy I was debating usually engages more but he ducked out. I'm an officer in the club and I've been active for a while, so I have a bit clout. So long as I'm observing rather than advocating identity politics, I have plausible deniability
@Kingfish Fair point but I was trying to show it's not "minorities vote democrat because the GOP has Steve King"
Eh, I think the Socratic method is far more effective. Even as an officer(many of these positions are taken up by people that simply want to do it as it comes with responsible), it does not make a thought leader. People don't necessarily respect the position, which is true in my college republicans group
I totally agree, it can just be overwhelming for the other person especially since you’re trying to push your view to them. You have to work their own perceptions and opinions etc
He's aware of cultural Marxism, Frankfurt School, etc but will maintain cognitive dissonance so long as he has an Asian gf and a desperate desire to make libertarianism work
If they go after me for it in a meeting, I'm completely confident that I can win that debate. I won't bring it up though since the long run goal is to stay just within the Overton Window and get some sort of job with the GOP
We are so screwed
its not that bad comeon
having Muslims in our government is a big deal and a huge cause for concern
@Aaron O'regan It proves that the more the Muslims bomb, rape, and kill us, the more we love, welcome, and accept them--therefore they will keep doing it because it's been very effective for them
Those who love Muslims are essentially enablers
Sad, sad, sad
Most Muslims in the US came post 9/11
I'm so bummed out right now
The liberal love affair with Islam is still one of the strangest things in the world to me. I don’t mean the top brass obviously, but there was almost nothing more instrumental to my realization that NPC liberals don’t think their opinions through than their love of a religion which is completely antithetical to their beliefs.
If a white guy were to suddenly have to move to another state to be closer to family and is totally not white flighting his way out of a state with Muslim representatives, what state would his family be located in?
My biggest blackpill about this election personally is that an Alabama proposed amendment which sets the tone for making abortion illegal was passed. To explain, I disagree with the concept of abortion personally, but it’s an unfortunate boon to lowering minority birth rates.
You don’t want to drown faster?
Could be worse
You know the Muslim Somali woman that won is in a district so small that it basically consists of the little town all the Somalis live in, which is why she had over 80% of the vote lol
Things like that are why I’m not really phased by the “America rejects trumpism!!!” stuff. Because uh, no, these people didn’t get elected because of a rejection of Trump’s rhetoric, they got elected because of demographic shift, and it’s not surprising at all.
Oof tho
All of my election staffers were Bantu as well.
Good morning IE and to the official start of the presidential race
@ophiuchus Abortion is a spear sharpened at both ends. It is not worth the white lives lost by it. The next Donald Trump or other great man might not exist due to abortion. One great white man can undo the problems caused by millions of non-whites.
<:whitepill:439924104406106113>: Almost 30,000 views for the AF/FTN stream last night.
I was switching between that and JF all night
How was JF?
Abrams acting like a 3rd worlder, saying they will get a redo.
Striker, Spencer and Collet were 👌🏻👌🏻
Can’t deny, last night was a night for the revolutionary wing. The American nationalist wing took a massive blow. Perhaps fatal
Black pills from Illinois
Get ready for lots of John Kasich interviews today
@fire.within - FL what do you mean?
Because Kobach lost?
45 cuckservatives retired because they couldn't hack it in Trump's world. That's why we had so many seats up in the first place.
They’re going to trot Kasich out there so he can say, “See, gee-golly. Voters don’t like this kind of rhetoric...”