Message from @Evan
Discord ID: 522610720286703616
@Attrition in the desert pewds is considered racist now lol
mint makes me nauseous
@Asatru Artist - MD the problem with pagan metal is the people who make it wind up making youtube videos singing with a harp in their car all day
I missed the whole chat. Can someone please provide a succinct summary in 25 words or less?
@Rick chipped stones asks stupid questions and don't talk about the conference
@Rick diversity is big ghey. Optics are big straight. Sign up for FLOP
That's what I was doing, working overtime.
he wants you to sign up for lopf and give him money and not post hitler memes
please post prettier women
@Wood-Ape - OK/MN What's the obsession with this person? Is she famous for some reason?
She's infamous
@Sherlock this is not the place for other people to thirst post
@ThisIsChris I am 90% shitposting. 10% think she is cute and fierce
not thirst posting
I'm hella thirsty...gonna make some coffee.
@Sherlock noted ^
@Evan She slapped IDF thots
No killing
tldr don't target anything with flyering, bad meming can worsen legal situations, sign up for LOPF, Patrick has a subscriber star account which is just like maker support, Gills still isn't banned, and Abele is based and redpilled @Rick
what did I miss
*that got killed
Slapping officers of the law is condemnitory.
Cali man use big word
Oh gwaawd
Who is Abele @NateDahl76
google Julius Von Abele
I honestly can’t find a way to even use that correctly. How Patrick managed to is beyond me.
Is that ted?
@NateDahl76 Julius ... Yes I couldn't remember his name
@Evan nice post, this kid is quite articulate
Kid’s a legend!
@ThisIsChris very interesting and he’s right here
Up until the last few decades it has always been commonplace to physically dicipline your children!!! All of these studies say that spanking makes people mentally ill, gives them a lower IQ, makes them more violent, ect. Spanking has nothing to do with it!!! I think that abuse can cause major problems, and I think if you are spanking your kid all of the time then that can cause problems, but giving your kid a couple of spankings is not going to scar them for life!!! You know what will scar them for life, A lack of dicipline!!!
Itl be interesting to see how this plays out. Allegedly he went up to one of the Black girls and asked if she dates White guys. OFC thats not on tape.