Message from @Sherlock
Discord ID: 522610627307503619
oh well i'll have to do without
Several people are typing...
@Attrition in the desert pewds is considered racist now lol
mint makes me nauseous
@Asatru Artist - MD the problem with pagan metal is the people who make it wind up making youtube videos singing with a harp in their car all day
I missed the whole chat. Can someone please provide a succinct summary in 25 words or less?
@Rick chipped stones asks stupid questions and don't talk about the conference
@Rick diversity is big ghey. Optics are big straight. Sign up for FLOP
That's what I was doing, working overtime.
he wants you to sign up for lopf and give him money and not post hitler memes
please post prettier women
@Wood-Ape - OK/MN What's the obsession with this person? Is she famous for some reason?
She's infamous
@Sherlock this is not the place for other people to thirst post
@ThisIsChris I am 90% shitposting. 10% think she is cute and fierce
I'm hella thirsty...gonna make some coffee.
Is she the girl that killed in Israel. Or am I making that up.
@Sherlock noted ^
@Evan She slapped IDF thots
No killing
tldr don't target anything with flyering, bad meming can worsen legal situations, sign up for LOPF, Patrick has a subscriber star account which is just like maker support, Gills still isn't banned, and Abele is based and redpilled @Rick
what did I miss
*that got killed
Slapping officers of the law is condemnitory.
Cali man use big word
Oh gwaawd
Who is Abele @NateDahl76
google Julius Von Abele
I honestly can’t find a way to even use that correctly. How Patrick managed to is beyond me.
Is that ted?
@NateDahl76 Julius ... Yes I couldn't remember his name
@Evan nice post, this kid is quite articulate
Kid’s a legend!
@ThisIsChris very interesting and he’s right here