Message from @NateDahl76
Discord ID: 528680997722652706
I hate to do this, but anyone who does the Fortnite dances is gonna look like these people
Actually TwitchCon 2k18 was great for Fortnite dance cringe in general
Huh, I didn't realize there was a TwitchCon, do they watch people livestream IRL?
Uh, sorta. Most of it is just companies hawking crap to people
Actually GamesDoneQuick has been doing that for years so I guess that wouldn't even be unusual.
I mean, there are cons for _everything_
I once went through an events calendar for a major city's convention center... there were some interesting revelations
Like the BDSM convention
or the festival they were doing about flowers
I guess LOPF is kinda like an IE-con
Celebrating our Judeo-Christian values at Natick Mall in Boston, MA
I suppose it basically is an IE-con
does IECon 2k19 do anything fun?
IdentityCon could be a good alternative name
Speeches, Banner Drops, and Chants.
isn't chewing ice bad for your teeth?
It's bad for your membership.
Chants are based...just stuffed my payment in an envelope for LOPF.
About to obtain a stamp.
Same @Freiheit - CA
I'm glad to see Stef fall into /ourthing/
He still does the whole “JQ isn’t real” shill bit to make sure he protects the livelihood. Otherwise great
well he hasn't gone full JBP or whomever
which is an improvement
I am okay with Stefan not going all the way right away. He was anti-left and now he is shifting to questioning corporate-globalist-marxist lines on white solidarity. That greatly shifts the conversation our way in net total. Where he acted as a block farther from us, he is now in a position closer. Net gain.
Today's Yellow Vests dropped from 38,800 last Saturday to 12,000. WTF France?
I am going to soon have a nephew that is 5/8ths white and 3/8ths black.
I was 14 when my sister got engaged.
how can a person be 3/8ths black?
JFG had helpful insight into why the Yellow Vest protests might wain. The French populace have grown accustomed to being professional complainers / protesters. The Yellow Vest protesters have been appeased in part due to getting movement from Macron and company.
@Salo Saloson Her husband is one quarter white, my sister is 100% white.
@Salo Saloson 3 out of 8 great grandparents were black
Husband 1/4 white, so black?
3/4's black and 1 whole white?
By the time I was fully redpilled at 18, they were planning their wedding.
Sounds mulatto, no?
Anyway, not giving you a hard time, not your choice in the matter
And no one is fully red pilled. There are red pills we don't even know we aren't aware of