Message from @Johnny B. Populus
Discord ID: 531576746659676171
John Bolton is a dangerous man..
Ah, glad to see Bolton was able to completely stop the withdrawal for the forseeable future. This has nothing to do with the recent (yesterday) visit to Tel Aviv, I'm sure.
reality confirming my political beliefs is bad for my blood pressure.
Oy vey..
After listening to Patrick's speech, I am wondering if our message is too meta for the average European American. I am more worried about present anti-white discrimination like criminalization of Christianity, all defense critical US STEM programs unanimously composed of Chinese nationals, majority mexican birthrates, revisionist history in pop culture, the rise of third world politics in Congress, and the loss of a nations worth dying for in America and Europe. Yes, this all part of a long history, but that's not the political opportunity. It's that we can use these attacks to reunite, reinstill identity, and rebuild what was lost and even what never existed before. Trump understood this.
The Democrats who say they need to stop trying to win back whites and focus on "minority" interests are practically doing this job for us. We just need to be the place where whites feel like they belong and are championed.
I think language about music, food, religion, and even occupation would be helpful in establishing shared identity. Trump gave Elvis and award, for example
We must separate the Kurds and whey.
I think this troop withdrawal news has turned Lindsey Graham back into John McCain's loyal servant. He should be primaried in 2020.
Can someone remind me why our leaders care so much about the Kurds?
Probably because it gives them at least a weak justification for staying there
The military industrial complex needs those sweet wars
I wonder if this means the Syria withdrawal will never happen.
Only time will tell.
@Nemets is 100% right. There’s a great chart overlaying the replacement of Armenians with Kurds in 1915 and in 2014 with the SCW.
I can find it but I’m sure somebody else will first
Does the yt video linked in the announcement work for yall? It isnt for me but idk if it’s bc my signal sucks rn
If Trump really does base some policy on what he sees on Fox News, I hope Tucker spends his Monday night monologue discussing the futility of the wars in Syria and Afghanistan.
Hello folks, hope everyone's day is well. Being a classically trained Chef & specializing in the European tradition I am making a classic French desert called "Pears belle Helene".
I doubt it.
In other, more personal news: I may now have my Thesis Problems figured out and I'll probably get that M.Sc degree in a year or so
and knowing my luck I'll end up in Canda
@Salo Saloson congrats brother
What’s the thesis problem?
The problem had been finding a thesis to do (all the other ones failed for... a lot of reasons). This time though there's something actually definite in the works.
I hope it works out for you this time
I have just recently-in barely the past two months- came to appreciate the Jewish I find myself googling major “white” liberals and Neo conservatives and wow. Nobel prize winning liberal economist Paul Krugman, Bernie Sanders, Chuck Schumer, George Soros (duh lol), Sheldon Adelson...
But Trump touched the wall, he had the hat-let on and everything....
Lol yeah he’s not perfect...and he’s playing the game
With that being said, I wanna get Stephen Miller’s autograph 😀
Hopefully Trump is pulling a Bane with the Jewish lobby...and he will eventually do this:
These are birds. Just saw a whole sky full of them. Clouds of birds covering the sky.
As much of a threat to white well being as our mercantile friends can be, don't let the endless levantine red pills blind you to all of the other threats to white-well being, including many whites! What's the Chinese equivalent of "shabbos goy"? Good Gweilo?
The JQ is real and all, but it can consume if not taken measuredly.