Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 362696641569882112
Even more White pills
If some of you know, my fiance cheated on me about a month ago, this has devastated me mentally, emotionally, and physically; however I've been trying to uphold myself to a high standard, one my ancestors wouldn't be ashamed of me for upholding, instead of drinking, drugs, or other hedonism I have turned to God, Art, Exercise, and literature to help mend my wounds, and someone who follows me on Instagram messaged me this today, and it meant a lot to me. If my growing can effect someone like this, I can imagine many people in this movement having this effect on others as well, if we carry ourselves as we do, professionally, family, and brotherly, and loving.
Good stuff.
@Implicitus Probably one of the toughest obstacles for a man to overcome so gracefully. There's a guy in Jersey who really admires you.
Attitudes can change
Poland apparently used to be super pro-immigration
Now, as we all know, it isn't
We can do it here
People only care when it effects them directly.
Roy Moore wins causing ripples in the swamp.
Lil whitepill for anyone down on Trump. He's in way over his head, but I think he's trying for us.
They started moving dirt today on prototypes of the wall.
Went to check on some posters I put up in the most popular disc golf course in my area and they're still up 4 weeks later
Not in my area. It's mostly athletic white college students
There's not much else to do in town so it's very popular
@William Russell Where do I apply to build the wall?
There are a so many of our people out there - we need to find them and guide them in a positive direction.
@AltRightMick Based!
@AltRightMick that scratching out is not particularly secure most of the name can be made out.
Also @AltRightMick if you can see her plaintext password then your password security is not good. You should never store passwords, instead you're supposed to add a salt, calculate a hash, and store the salt and hash instead:
Idk if you maintain that kind of thing but should probably register a bug with whoever is maintaining your user system there.
@John O - if you find out let me know. We need all hands lol
Will do
Disc golf is a great activity that involves skill, getting outside, and lots of activity. Yeah it has people that smoke but that doesn't mean the acitivty itself is dumb. Maybe some of those "degenerates" just need a group like IE to show them the way and change their life.
I Disc Golf, but often I've had a couple lagers before so I tend to not be the best player ๐
โUltimate Frisbeeโ used to be a lot of fun.
Should be 0, but it's a start
Every morning, there are no less than 25 applications sitting in the inbox. Zero blackpills should be had when people are flooding to IE.
Hell yea Huuuuge whitepill
>DOJ files suit against company for allegedly not hiring Americans