Message from @Sonic
Discord ID: 404858501039652864
They're so precious!
That's awesome
I didn't know Orania was doing so well. Fuark
I looked at their demographics and their population is booming, everyone rejoice!
Dont mean to black pill but their gonna need a lot more and a big wall to protect themselves
According to Wikipedia, Orania has been around for 58 years. Although, only its existence for the past 24 years is surprising.
The MSM reaction to it, though, is all the proof one should need of its anti-white bigotry. White "bigots" are problem, so some white "bigots" establishment a small town for themselves. Said town is 3.46 square miles in area. South Africa's area is 471,445 square miles. Whites can't even have a 1/100000 of a country to themselves.
Happy Sunday brethren
This is a great read
I don't know if that's a whitepill or not lol
It's a bit extreme even for me
Watch the ad ^
By our president
"Even jewish youth are race-mixing more these days. Breeding with goyim. Why? Because not all of them are the elites. Most of them aren't on with the program. They think their parents are being stuffy when they say "meet a nice Jewish boy and settle down." Why would any young jewess be satisfied with bar mitzvah boy when she can have Tyrone? After all, she has been raised her whole life to KNOW that all of us are what's wrong with race-mixing? Just shows how greedy and short-sighted they are"
Thoughts I had today
The Russian Insider will now report on Jewish influence and continue to do so.
“Papers please”
"Papiere Bitte" <:coolpepe:366743374105018368>
@Deleted User I love that game
hide and seek, "esconder y buscar"
Within 100 miles of a border it should be legal 🤔
Check out @pnehlen’s Tweet:
This entire thread.
Wow! He did it.
what a time to be alive
Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Glad an hq of antifa is gone, but that sets a bad precedent.
I'm with you on that, but the situation in Greece is different. Practically a civil war going on there right now. Antifa has been extremely violent themselves.
They've been setting off bombs at banks and they have a lethal record against GD. Scary stuff going on
The bulk of the Greek police force are sympathetic to Golden Dawn however
Guess the precedent has already been set and GD is acting in turn. Anyway, better off taking this to general now. Thanks for the context both of you.
@CWeiss Elite jews probably do care that their women are mixing but it won’t effect their power. Because lower class jews aren’t their soldiers anyways. We are.
@Titus Pullo Indeed. But the smaller their population gets, the smaller the machine is. One needs a certain population to be a significant minority. Nobody cares about the victimization of Eskimos because they're too small a contingency to matter. Jew mixing = less jewish influence world-wide, and a low birth-rate means the same. Can't correlate any other way. Definitely not an immediate solution though