Message from @Freiheit - CA
Discord ID: 473187155724730378
Seriously love how full this channel is every day
Excellent work, gents.
This last photo has got to be one of our most effective stickers. What a fantastic graphic design. Can't wait to get my merch order in a few days.
@Freiheit - CA love it!
IE members at the I Stand With Trump rally in Loveland Colorado
Great work, gentlemen! Powerful things coming out of Colorado.
Our North Louisiana guys did a memorial for the baby who was burned to death by a black woman in Nachitoches.
Great work!
Fantastic work boys!
Awesome work
University of Colorado Boulder
Boulder, CO
Memorial to Levi Ellerbee in Natchitoches, Louisiana. @Parsifal and I set it up yesterday afternoon.
Excellent work everyone! We still need to post content from Defend Identity so there will likely be a 1-2 day wait for content in here to be posted.
@Fox , @Jean-Baptiste and @Valaska great actions!
Great job everyone. These actions look fantastic! You guys rock.
Hey guys, gonna post some shots from Defend Identity! Had a great time with everyone and we really dropped some major red-pills.